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TV Aerials


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I wish to transfer an aerial socket from an overhead TV locker on the offside of my van, and place it on top of the cupboard on the nearside, to make it easier to see the Telly.


Is it possible to route it underneath the van? I assume I need to find a way down through the bottom of the van underneath the wardrobe, then find a way back up through the side cupboards.


has anybody else done this, and what should I be wary of when pulling cables through.

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The hardest part of rerouting any wiring in a van is hiding the darned cables and I would be inclined to ensure that I can hide any cables either behind furniture or by using discreet trunking before starting and this might determine the route needed.


Other than that there is no problem about running cables to wherever you want them as long as you define your route first and make sure that holes drilled will a] come out where you expect them to, b] won't foul any cables, fuel, brake or water lines. a


It pays to have more than enough cable to hand as it always takes more than you expect with diversions and you will need cable ties to hold it place under the van to prevent sags and chaffing.


Don't fix any of the cable ties until you are sure that the route is finalised and the darned thing works OK!


Do ensure that any cable joints are shielded and the best way to do this is either by a proper coax type junction box or a joining set of two plugs - one male one female or similar.


Other than that 'tis easy peasy! Good luck!

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