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LCD TV mounts/Status 530

Guest Simon B

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Guest Simon B
Enlightenment required! 1- I want to mount a LCD TV in my Morello. Are most of the wall mounts designed so the TV can be easily removed from the wall for storage when travelling? Wheres the best place to get these mounts? 2- I also intend to fit a status 530 ariel. I have the possibility of fitting it either in the wardrobe or overhead locker. Is there any real improvement in reception of the 530/10 over the 530/5? The mast length is only 55.5cm longer. Your thought much appreciated, Simon B
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The best place for LCD mounts in eBay. I picked up a fully adjustable quality swivel mount for £12. They are easy to dismantle for travelling-just one bolt. I usually store my TV in an underfloor locker but for space reasons I have begun to leave it permanently mounted.
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Guest Will Redfearn,Wirral Motorhome Club
Also try the home and Leisure section of ASDA.They have them for the 3cd screens they are selling.
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Guest Derek Uzzell
Simon B: The Status S530/10 and S530/5 are identical as far as the aerial itself is concerned, so the standard of reception will be identical for both UNLESS better reception is available by raising the S530/10 beyond the maximum height attainable by a S530/5. I've no idea how often such a situation might arise. Significant differences between the two products lie in the length of mast, length of co-ax cable and the angle-adjustability of the S530/10's mounting system (important if your 'van's roof slopes). Visit www.gradeuk.co.uk for more details and useful advice.
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Guest Keith T
Hi - I have the 530/10 on my Rapido, and find it very useful to have the extra height. There is still a fair length of mounting pole wihtin the van for mounting and stability, so the 'real' height above the rooflevel is not over great. The receoption at max height is nearly always best, and I find the signal so much improved over the old 'mushroom' omindirection one. Sometimes to the extent that on CC sites with booster, I can get at least as good a picture using our own aerial (mind you the condition of booster sockets often leave much to be desired!)
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