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Shoe storage-hanging large pockets-men's size: where to buy?

David B

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I am looking for a hanging shoe storage unit to put near the habitation door of my AutoSleepers Nuevo to take muddy shoes. The pockets need to be large enough to take size 8 walking shoes (not boots). To blend with the inside decor it needs to be cream/beige/brown or burgundy, it needs to lie reasonably flat so it does not obstruct the entrance, and be in a soft material.


I have searched Ebay, Argos, Amazon, Ikea, etc and the internet. The only one I could find with large pockets (most show small slippers in the pockets!) was on Ebay, but its navy blue.


See link: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=230302405638


Can anyone suggest a source of a shoe storage organizer that meets my (exacting) requirements?


Thanks, David

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One of the stalls at the outdoor shows usually has things like this on offer. Do you know anyone with a sewing machine? It wouldn't be that difficult for someone to run up what you want in the material you like so long as the material is good quality so it won't sag or tear easily.
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We always store spare shoes in the seat base boxes. Of course, if they're alread full of leisure battery or jack, etc., this won't work for you!


Wardrobes are already usually so narrow that hanging shoes on the door back cramps the space and clothes inside unacceptably.


Mel E


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We store wellies and walking shoes / boots in supermarket carriers bags.


Hangable, free, disposable when dirty, compact, flexible storage - and bungable into lockers or shower when space in van needed.


There may be space between the cab seats and the bed bases for a pair or two of shoes in the Nuevo?

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