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' cloned ' vehicle problem

Guest berti

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hello has anyone had experience of their vehicle being ' cloned ' in november i received speeding notifctions from london metropolitan police showing a car with my no plate. as there is no contact info, other than returning the notification of intended prosecution, i wrote back explaining the situation.. enclosed a photo of our vehicle showing no plate and also copy of v5, URGENTLY requesting info on what action i need to take...but no reply as yet. we are off to spain on 7th jan ..so need to sort asap will i need to notify dvla to amend documents? how long is it likely to take? (allowing for xmas delays to post and also extended holiday closures) what about insurance ? charges for amending documents or any other problems what about mot/service which was done in october...will i have to pay again? also i assume i will have to pay cost of new no plate this is really annoying and frustrating !!! kind regards berti
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Hello Berti, Have had a similar problem when we saw another car with my wifes car numberplate. We immediately notified the police told them the car and type and when, where and at what time we saw the "clone". Asked similar questions to yourself and was informed that the registration belongs to the registered owner who will receive all renewals and correspondence and who holds the V5. You are not the criminal the cloner is. In your case a photograph of your vehicle, a photocopy of the V5 and if possible any other proof that it was not your vehicle involved in the speeding incident should be sufficient to avoid any further action from the Metropolitan Police. It would be appropriate to notify the DVLA and your insurance company that this has happened. If you are still worried why not phone the Police or perhaps a solicitor to confirm what further action, if any, you will have to take. Hope you get this resolved soon and enjoy the holiday in Spain. Regards, Mike C.
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I understand your problems I have had two similar occurances 1 - Iwas summonsed from failing to stop at an accident - A blue mini had knocked a youngster off his bike & driven on. The time was about 1/2 hour before I woud have finished work They gave my number - minus the suffix A The police still insisted that it was my car with me driving it About a month later I received an appology A blue mini with the quoted registration (ie minus the suffix) was seen leaving our firms car park at abot 1/2 hour before our normal finishing time 2 I sold my works van and duly passed on the documents - taking a copy of the slip that had to be returned to DVLC Then went on holiday in our new MH (3 months in Spain) On my return a had been sent papers demanding my presence in court for failing to pay a parking fine I sent back a copy of the DVLC slip for transfer of vehicle an copies of the travel documents (ferry tickets)and offered to go to court with copies of my Visa Statements showing purchases made in Spain with times and dates 3 months later the person who purchased the van was done for failing to notify change of ownership It is a worry I hate to contact solicitors (they charge far too much) but with your impending holiday I would be inclined to contact one Roy could be right and someone is using false plates Contact DVLC both by post & phone if you can find one
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Guest peter goddard
There is a famous (infamous) case going on at the moment. The owner of a huge ex-army vehicle which does not leave the area (in Cumbria) has been getting parking tickets for years for a vehicle in London. Despite the London local authority acknowledging the fact that the owner of the registration is not responsible for the offences they cannot stop the automated system from issuing the tickets. If the offender continues to use the false plates expect to keep on getting the tickets.
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Guest Dave Jones
I believe that there was an item on Monday's Channel Five 'Gadget Show' about stealing car number plates for fraudulant use. It is apparently an area of rapid growth of which the police are aware they said.
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Many cars are using false plates in London now to avoid the congestion charge. The smart ones pick a number from a simerlar car on a car park but as we see some thickos just make one up and it turns out to be a tank !
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