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Great service!

Tony Jones

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We spent part of the week away, first visiting relatives and then visiting "Roxie's" birthplace, Horizons Unlimited at Tamworth.

I'd worked out a way the wardrobe in the van could be improved (at least for our purposes) and doodled on one of their promo pics to illustrate it. We arranged to call in on Tuesday for them to do the work, which they didi to a very high standard - and 2 hours for £50 sounds OK to me! While we were there they sorted out another minor glitch, and also replaced a bit I'd broken by my own clumsiness - free of charge. Very good customer service - why does anyone go to those big firms we hear so many complaints about?


Since the weather was so bad on Tuesday, they recommended a nearby site (C&CC but open to non-members) and we had our first chance to try out Roxie as winter accommodation. No problems, we were as snug as the proverbial etc.


Incidentally, we've had no problems with the water under the bonnet on Brian's thread - but then there's rarely a day when Roxie doesn't get used, since she's our "main vehicle."We've now done over 12,000 miles in her since March - well, we didn't buy her to sit in the drive!




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