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Places to overnight between N.Spain-Portugal

myland rose

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Travelling to Portugal for winter and concerned about finding overnight aires in northern spain and into portugal. Thinking maybe going down via border with spain but wonder about weather conditions in december and safe places to stay. Any info regarding routes etc. would be welcome.Thanks.





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Only personal advice...and others may vary....but just wildcamp.


It's great. Anywhere a few metres off the road in the countryside.


We live here in Spain and do it all the time.


We toured North West Spain for 14 days last summer (absolutely wonderful area), and stayed on a "proper" site for 1 night.


Oh, and try and learn a few Spanish phrases before you come here....the locals will love you if as a Brit you've actually made an effort to learn anything of a foreign language.


Don't worry. Be happy. :-D




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We are going towards Gibralter in January and was wondering about overnight stop overs en route, we usually go through one or other of the tunnels en route to Benicassim and have found a place en route to there in Spain, but are new to the route we wil take this year, but as you say we will just look around for a quiet place somewhere and pull over for the night. *-)
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