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Campsites/Aires in Paris

Guest Kerry

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Does anyone have experience of campsites or aires in Paris? I would appreciate any information on, and locations of places to 'park-up' in my 'van for a few days now and then.
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Guest Brian Ramsden
This subject has been covered before - type in Sites suitable for visiting Paris in the search criteria and it will bring up the topic
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Kerry From my very limited experience most, if not all, the campsites appear to be on the outskirts of the city, requiring the use of public transport (usually Metro or train) to get in. Regards Neal
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We used a campsite on the outskirts of Paris this year - if you go to a yahoo, google etc, and type in Maisons Laffitte Paris you'll get some blurb about it, it's located on the end of the Seine and has lovely parkland nearby for pooches etc. We showed them our ACSI card and even though they don't accept it they still gave us a good discount.
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Come along now boys it wasn't long ago one of our m/homeing friends found the perfect overnight stopoff and he actually stayed a couple of days. The passing Gendarmes(police)actually waved at him where he sat. The spot was by the Seine in the centre of Paris. It looked like a concrete parking area by the Seine flood wall. I'm or haven't got the picky or place to hand but this might jog someones memory. Gordon..
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Guest Keith T
Hi Kerry - we stayed at Bois de Bolougne site in Paris this year. Good enough site, and alsongside river. Easy access into Paris, by bus (5min walk) then Metro, using Travel card, or there is a direct link on a shuttles bus to a different Metro station, but the bus is not included in the Travel Card system.Big site, but inidivual, mostly hedged, emplacements. Also very good access driving from West - just off the motorway so no need to drive on the Peripherique...!
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But driving on the Peripherie is all part of the fun!!! We went to Paris for the first time in June. Late afternoon on the Thursday we arrived at the campsite in a torrential downpoor which flooded many parts of Paris itself, including much of the campsite, seeing some poor soul trying to pitch up his caravan in 6 inches of water was rather wickedly entertaining though! As we couldn't stop at Paris for any great length of time due to our having to get to the vets and our return ferry, we went into Paris in our motorhome after tea, at about 7.00 pm, and drove round some absolutely massive roundabout thing with at least 7 lines of traffic ... if there had been any lines of course! Then on through the centre including right down the Chan. de Lysee (or however you spell it!), around the Arch de Triumph across the Seine looking towards Notre Dame - absolutely beautiful with the sun going down behind it - then round and across to the Eiffel Tower, stopping for piccies on the way. It was totally nuts and the French drive like maniacs but ... way-hey, what an experience and one we wouldn't have missed!!! Then we had the great joy of going round the bl**dy roundabout thingy the following morning to get onto the Peripherie, it was worst than the night time. Once on the 'ring road' it wasn't too bad but getting off it again at the right exit, suffice to say we had a little 'scenic' tour of some of the less well knowns areas of Paris! Seeing as our Satnav had died 2 days earlier (PDA fault) we were working completely off maps so in the circumstances we didn't do too bad at all. The campsite (see earlier in posting for details) was very well placed and it didn't take us long to get into Paris itself so we'd certainly use it again without hesitation.
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