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Frankia motorhomes


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Absolutely splendid things. There is much to commend them in terms of build quality and innovation. The factory is also well known for their willingness to build the ‘van that you actually want, not one that they think you should have. I’d certainly sink my own cash into one without worry. I too would go for a merc. base. I don’t think there many better ‘vans euro for euro. I doubt you’d be disappointed.

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We loved our Frankia (the Empress) and were very sorry to part with her. We wanted three seperate beds - we had the A class with bunk beds. Sadly aging legs made the climb to the top bunk too much so she had to go. But we do miss her. We had only mini problems and the Merc was a dream to drive. She came from Spinney who were very good to deal with.





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It's worth mentioning Poppy that, apart from the quality, Frankia's are serious all year round motorhomes. Meaning that all tanks, services, pipework, etc, are onboard and weatherproof . It also has such things as two toilet cassettes on most models, if not all, to extend your time away from facilities. All this has to be paid for of course and for anyone not needing a van for winter use there might be better value elsewhere.


The Merc versions of the various layouts do not have as much exterior storage room as the Fiats in general. Nor do they have as much payload, sometimes only half as much, so watch this one.


Crinklystarfish is right. We've asked for several changes to the standard spec, including body alterations, which have all been OK'd by Frankia.

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Made in Germany.  If you're prepared to tackle LHD, it my be worth considering importing, or getting one brought over for you from Germany by someone like Bundesvan.

The 2009 prices, in Euros, for the Mercedes base vehicles, vary (depending on model) between 80,000 and 110,000 ex dealer.

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Bundesvan have a Frankia A Class on a Mercedes chassis, auto,silverline colour available. Obviously LHD in German spec at a very reasonable price. Although with the currency fluctuations this week it might not be quite such a bargain as it was !

What's the difference between an investment banker and a pigeon ? The pigeon is the only one that can put a deposit on a Frankia !



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We thought about buying abroad but there are pro's and con's on going along this route. Yes, there is a good price saving in general but what about getting warranty work done? There are only two Frankia dealers in the UK to my knowledge should help be needed and I know that at least one of them will not touch vehicles not purchased from them.


Having nearly worn the M4 out trying to get a lot of warranty work done on a previously owned Burstner we decided we did not want a repeat of that sort of aggro and stayed on home ground. Others will take a different view of course and gamble on not needing to return abroad until their holidays if their problems, if any, are only minor.

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Guest JudgeMental

I purchased my EuraMobil from Belgium. service is fist rate and I let the few small warranty issues build up and then pop in when on a European trip.... they are 1.5 hours from eurotunnel. I would never buy here.


Currently looking at a Hymer, from a Belgian dealer as well. even with poor exchange rate a saving of over £10.000 was offered on much higher spec hymer exesis then offered here...... *-)

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