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Info on Paris


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It's that time of year (dark evenings, people talking about the dreaded Ch%$*!?&s word) when my musings start to lead off toward 2009 and the maps and guides come out (no not the female equivalent of the scouts). One of the only cities not yet visited is Paris and in this months CC mag looks to be a decent site not far from the city (Bois de Boulogne). I was thinking of a 4/5 day stay then wander off into the Loire. Has anyone visited this site and if so any comments?
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Nice site by the river, open all year, easy to find big hardstanding pitches each with lock and chain which they give you a key for, probabley 400 pitches ,high season is about 38 euro low season about 22 we caught a bus outside the site to the metro station but this may only be in high season but the main bus stop is only a ten minute walk through the park, security seamed very good, it has its own shop and restaurant but these may not be open all year, toilet blocks were clean while we were there but as you know this can change with the seasons
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The campsite used to be part of the ACSI discount scheme, however, it hasn't been for at least 2 years now, not sure why, this used to save a lot of dosh when staying there.


We last visited the site in June 2007 when we wanted to have a good wander round Paris. As we were just popping in on our way south, we only stopped for 2 nights only as it was quite pricey even in low season. The facilities were not brilliant, it had certainly gone down hill since we'd stayed there a couple of years earlier, the shower cubicles especially really needed some upgrading/repair. However, if you want a site near to Paris then you don't have a choice as I believe it is the only one close by. When we went we took our bicycles and peddled into Paris from the site, through the lovely park just across the road from the site, although there was a regular bus services from right outside the site's gates. By using our bikes we were able to see a lot of Paris in one day, if we had been walking everywhere we'd have had to spend at least 3 days just to cover the same ground.

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Thanks very much for the info. Generally what i expected from a large city site but if you arrive with these expectations you're not dissappointed. It's looking like we'll give it go. Mel whats cycling like around Paris? I cycle a lot but my partner's not too confident in town
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An alternative to the Bois de Boulogne site is Camping International Maisons Laffitte.  Open 16/3 to 31/10 (but check this),  http://tinyurl.com/6g4uhq

Access to central Paris via RER (urban rail, station 10 mins walk, you may need to take a couple of passport type photos so you can get a travel card and then buy books of tickets).  It is on an island in the Seine, so security is better than Bois de Boulogne, but don't get a riverside pitch - the barges run through the night and are surprisingly noisy!

Best way to get around Paris, except La Defence if you want to go up the Grand Arche, or Montmartre for the Sacre Coeur, is to walk.  The centre is quite compact and even the left bank round the Sorbonne is not that far from the Opera.  It is a city made to walk round, and you won't have the worry of what to do with your bikes when you want to disappear into somewhere that takes your interest.

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Gosh- the Bois de Boulogne site must have changed a lot. I went there many years ago, in the summer with a tent, booked in and found the alloted pitch. This was much too small for the tent and not a blade of grass, just black, wet mud! It took less than 5 minutes to book in but about two hours to obtain a refund - I was determined not to pay though!


A few years ago stopped on a site to the east of Paris with a motorhome. This was an Alan Roger's recommended site but actually full of itinerants so didn't feel very safe - very disappointing.

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Mel B - 2008-11-04 9:01 PM


The campsite used to be part of the ACSI discount scheme, however, it hasn't been for at least 2 years now, not sure why, this used to save a lot of dosh when staying there.



Still was in October this year, we stopped there and got the ASCI discount. Not listed in the ASCI book but the ASCI signs are displayed on the reception.



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Hopesy - 2008-11-05 5:08 PM


Thanks very much for these two sites they both look promising on their web sites, especially the huttopia site.


We have used this site and found it excellent for getting the train a five minute walk from the site, and of course you have the bonus of looking around Versailles a lovely place. Carol.

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They must've been let back in to the scheme then, they definitely weren't in it when we last went ... believe me, I scoured the place to see the ACSI sign and it wasn't there.


As for cycling around Paris, we didn't find it a problem but you do have to be road savvy, if we weren't totally happy we just got off and walked for a bit. It's very flat and apart from a bit of an incline up from the site to the Arc de Triump. My hubby got hold of details of the cycle routes for Paris which proved useful.


Along some of the main roads there are other smaller roads, meant for accessing the various bits of parking, so you don't actually have to ride on the main road if you don't want to. As for leaving the bikes, that's easy, you just lock them to the nearest lamp-post, railing or whatever - just make sure that they aren't causing a blockage/obstruction etc. As with anywherre, make sure you have good locks, we have a motorcycle chain lock and put it around the bike frames and always lock them to an immovable object (you have to in order to meet your insurance requirements anyway).


The map on the following website gives you details of where the major sites are in relation to the Bois to Boulogne (on left of map).



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