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French Supermarkets


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:-D Hi all,


I bumped into a friend of mine last night (Wednesday) and he informed me that he had P/X his Motorhome for a car 'n' caravan.

When asked why he went on to explain that he was tired and fed up with the French Authorities clamping down on where he could stop and park etc but the final stray was the number of times that his motorhome had been blocked in by French locals whenever he parked on a Supermarket car park.He went on to explain that when he returned back to his vehicle he was unable to gain entry due to other cars being parked so close to his van.On at least one occasion he had to wait quite a while for the drivers to appear before he could gain entry to his vehicle.

I do not know how close to the supermarket entry he was parked nor do I know what area of France this was.

I was just wondering whether or not this was a current trend or not.



*-) *-) Smithy ;-) ;-)

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Guest JudgeMental


Yes, this is a well none fact! Hoards of angry French sit in waiting at the majority of large shopping Emporiums and when you disappear with your trolley they surround you with there vehicles and go of for a drink to celebrate! It is absolutely outrageous!


They have never really forgiven us for rescuing them from the Germans:-D

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Hi Terry,


They don't get the chance to block us in, we always park well out of the main stream parking and one of us "Always" without exception stays with the van.


Great excuse cause I hate shopping. :-D :-D


In fact I use to play games with the "froggies" when we had the big A Class they would come and park very close in for the shade. I would wait until they had entered the store and move the van. :D :D



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I doubt it would generally be malicious. Most French have a very different attitude to cars than we do and "touch parking" or sometimes "crash parking" is the norm in many cities and urban areas. This is where a Frenchman finds a space which is half the size of his car and simply shunts the cars either side by going backwards and forwards, alternately hitting bumper to bumper until his car fits. If the other cars have been left with their handbrakes off, they will have moved, if they were, for example, owned by Brits who habitually leave the handbrake on and the car in first or reverse gear, then the cars are simply rather shorter then they were before.


When the time comes for a French driver to leave a space he will not unusually have to reverse the above process to get out onto the road. This is all part of the game and is why many French cars don't have colour keyed bumpers, just multicoloured ones that were originally plain black or grey plastic and many of which will now be missing various bits.


When a Frenchman sees a car which is an absolute wreck, (even by French standards) he calls it "A Paris car" and that just about sums up the urban French view of motoring.


For all those reasons I go to significant lengths to park my motorhome out of harms way, at the furthest bit of the car park from the main door of the supermarket. Like their British (distant) cousins the French don't like walking to the shop's door.


In fairness I also park as carefully in UK supermarket car parks. There is little more terrifying a sight than a South of England mother approaching, screaming toddler in tow, when her huge four by four is parked less than a door's width from your motorhome's pristine flanks...............



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Most probably thats why we have never had any problems .

What is it that people are affraid to use their legs .

We tend to park away from everyone and really dont mind the walk even with the kids in tow once freds in her wheelchair we just walk .

Sad thing is people who can walk and should walk dont want to and the real disabled cant find a spot to park.


Even though i love France they have some real what I call weird ways they certainley dont like to cue either .


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Never had a problem in the car parks. Recently visited Barcelona (not in the van) and saw,what must have been a visting parisian driver trying to get out of a road side parking space. It was opposite our hotel and he just repeatedly hit the car in front and behind trying to get out after being blocked in. We watched for quite a while until he gave up, got out shouted something spanish along the lines of "bless me what a predicament", shouted something else at a few people gathered to watch outside a bank and walked off into the sunset.
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We have never had a problem. Having said that, wether home or abroad I always try to park in a less conjested area of the car park and I never park on an exposed corner. Hope I'm not tempting fate!!!!!!!

As an aside, on a one to one basis we have always found the French to be friendly and helpful.

Cattwg :-)

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Never had a problem in supermarkets etc, or parking generally in France so I'm mystified as to why your friend has a problem, unless of course he's trying to use his motorhome like a car and parking in inappropriate places.


The only time we had a problem was in September this year when we stopped at a coastal area and parked in one of the small streets leading to the sea, as it was out of season and quiet we didn't worry about it and ensured that we pulled far enough forward so as not to obstruct the pedestrian entrance to the rear of the flats, then got the bikes off the back and went for a peddle round. When we were cycling back past, however, we noticed that some inconsiderate person had parked right up our camper's bum on an area where parking wasn't allowed, even though he could easily have left a gap or parked elsewhere. We were totally jammed in. I had a chat to a French lady leaning out of her window looking at the sea to ask if she knew who's car it was, she didn't (have you ever tried explaining that you have a car up your camper's derrier in French!!!). I think she, or someone in the garden below who realised what was going on, must've rung the Police as a few minutes later a young Gendarme (rather dishy!) rolled up and I explained to him what had happened (in my pigeon French!). Shortly after the chap who's car it was miraculously appeared and got a talking to from the Gendarme and moved his car to the other side of the street where he should've put it in the first place and we were able to drive off. Other than this, we've never had a problem at all and don't anticipate having one again.


We generally park a little way out of towns/villages etc, unless there is specific parking for motorhomes nearer, and then walk the extra minute or two or get the bikes off and peddle in instead - you see an awful lot more of a place peddling around and it's not as tiring as doing lots of walking. :-D

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As Don has already said, there does seem to be a distinct tendency to park very close to a van - to get some benefit from the shade.


We always try to park in the dim faraway bits of any car park - preferably on an end, but we still used to get someone right next to us. In the UK as much as anywhere else.


A friend has a very simple parking philosophy, she always parks next to very expensive cars - on the assumption that they're less likely to want a scrape ! and so more likely to be careful; and miles away from any MPV or 4x4 on the assumption that they are more likey to have either kids and / or people who are totally unaware of anything else existing around them



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I have never had any trouble in my motorhome as like others I always park in the "far reaches" of the carpark. I also find that French drivers are always very friendly and come over for a chat. However, I am as guilty as they are when I'm in my car and park (not too close though) in the welcome shade of a motorhome if I can. No air-con!
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Can not really understand what the problem is here. Think guy who has switched his motorhome for car/caravan must have been thinking about the U.K. where parking with a motorhome any where including supermarket car parks is almost impossible. Compare that with France where, outside cities, supermarket car parks are half empty and never mind restrictions you can park overnight on the motorhome aires! Hope enjoys using his car/caravan being confined to camp sites etc.

No there is in our opinion no where more motorhome friendly than France, and provided you attempt to speak a little French we also find French people friendly and to have a good sense of humour. Come to think of it I don't like queuing much, and a two hour break at lunchtime isn't such a bad idea either.


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Iv'e never encountered this problem in a French Supermarket or any where else for that matter. If a French vehicle does park close to you in France the reason usually is that they want to be in the shade that your vehicle casts so that their vehicle is cool when they return. French Supermarkets are great, much more choice of products than ours at home. I read in a French news paper the other week that the French are about to relax the laws on new Supermarkets being allowed to open in the hope of driving down the cost of living with more competition, LIDL [ the Patron Saint of Motorhomes ] intend to take advantage and open a lot more stores [ Hooray ] CHAMPION Supermarkets [ I think it was ] have been taken over by CARREFOUR so you will see more of them. *-) *-)
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not been to France since 2007


oh no, aarrghhhh withdrawal symptoms

want some crepes n croissants n local wine n chocolat n olive oil n aioli n

..... err



back on thread,



we have noticed a tendency to restrict parking in tourist areas - after all it only takes a couple of biggies to wipe out the best bit of the prom.

think we may be in danger of killing the golden goose if 6m plus vans continue to proliferate at the current rate - although perhaps the credit crunch will restrict this



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France is not a problem, Now Spain this is were you get parking problems I once parked on the kerb between two cars and came back to find that a car had double parked along side of me and i could not get out, so we decided to go and have a coffee came back 30 minuets later only to find that another car had parked along side the car parked along side of us triple parking, and we were stuck there for almost 3 hours when I attepted to point out to the drivers the problems that they had caused. I was informed that It was a Spanish country for Spanards.

Now I do like the Spanish I lived there for over 25 years but I do hate the way they Park.


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Guest JudgeMental
4petedaniel - 2008-11-07 6:42 PM


France is not a problem, Now Spain this is were you get parking problems I once parked on the kerb between two cars and came back to find that a car had double parked along side of me and i could not get out, so we decided to go and have a coffee came back 30 minuets later only to find that another car had parked along side the car parked along side of us triple parking, and we were stuck there for almost 3 hours when I attepted to point out to the drivers the problems that they had caused. I was informed that It was a Spanish country for Spanards.

Now I do like the Spanish I lived there for over 25 years but I do hate the way they Park.



I would have broken in, removed the handbrake and pushed it out of my way :-D

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Mel B - 2008-11-07 5:52 PM


To translate Twooks:


By the way (BTW) what the hell (WTH) is he talking about (TA)?


The answer is: PVC - Panel Van Conversion, SLD - Side Loading Door


Easy Peasy when you speak Yorkshire! ;-)



All Right

I GOT one of them - so I can do that as well


well, I do do that of course - just never thought of it that way


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D



cheers Mel n thanks for the help to us immigrants >:-)



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JudgeMental - 2008-11-07 8:07 PM


4petedaniel - 2008-11-07 6:42 PM


France is not a problem, Now Spain this is were you get parking problems I once parked on the kerb between two cars and came back to find that a car had double parked along side of me and i could not get out, so we decided to go and have a coffee came back 30 minuets later only to find that another car had parked along side the car parked along side of us triple parking, and we were stuck there for almost 3 hours when I attepted to point out to the drivers the problems that they had caused. I was informed that It was a Spanish country for Spanards.

Now I do like the Spanish I lived there for over 25 years but I do hate the way they Park.



I would have broken in, removed the handbrake and pushed it out of my way :-D


The usual practice here in Valencia when people double park, is that they leave the handbrake off. no need to break in, just a gentle push is needed.






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