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Have any of you heard of this company .

My friend does alot of driving abroad for his work he owns a courier company and quite often does runs to France and other places .

Anyway tonight he said to me you need to get an AS 24 card .Apparently the cost of fuel is much cheaper so I looked it up and wondered if anyone would like to know about it .


The AS24 card is not accepted for toll payment.



However, we can offer you the "AS24 - Eurotrafic" pack which contains an AS24 card and a Eurotrafic card.



The Eurotrafic card gives you access to all of the 12,000 TOTAL filling stations including partners in around 15 European countries and Morocco but, more importantly, to the entire European toll network.








The entire French motorway network as well as bridges and tunnels





The Eurotrafic card allows you to pay all of your toll charges over the whole of the French motorway network and also on the Tancarville, Normandy, Ile de Ré and Charente Estuary bridges as well as in the Mont Blanc, Fréjus and Ste Marie aux Mines tunnels and at Rungis International Market.






Payment of the Czech motorways

The payment of the Czech motorways tolls is now operationnal i pre-payment mode.


Purchase of PREMID toll boxes in selected terminals which address you can get on the web site of Czech motorways tolls http://www.premid.cz %22 target=%22_blank


The next step will be the post payment mode.


For more information, click here.








Tolls in Germany


You can pay for your tolls in Germany (LKW-Maut for HGVs weighing more than 12 tonnes) with your Eurotrafic card in around 3,500 AGES payment points of which 450 are situated in TOTAL service stations.





The Austrian Network using the Go-Box



Since 1 May 2004, the Eurotrafic card has been accepted for toll payment using the GO Box.


The cost of buying the GO Box is 5 euro and a minimum toll credit of 45 euro including VAT must be purchased.


Subsequently, the amount of credit will be a minimum of 50 euro including VAT and a maximum of 500 euro per GO Box.







Italian tolls using the VIACARD


Eurotrafic, with its partner NTS, makes travelling on motorways in Italy easy !


Issued by the company Autostrade, VIAcard is a card for Italian motorway tolls and can be used both by light vehicles and HGVs.


The Telepass, which is an option for each of the cards, also allows to you pass through the tolls without stopping.


Get back up to 30% of your toll charges in Italy !




Tolls in Spain

The Eurotrafic card allows you to pay for your tolls on the majority of the Spanish motorway network.




Tolls in Morocco


The Eurotrafic card also allows you to pay all of your toll charges over the whole of the Moroccan motorway network.





The Eurovignette


You can use the Eurotrafic card to buy the Eurovignette at all AGES points of sale (service station, toll gates, etc.) including certain TOTAL, ELF, SVG, Lomo and Westfalen filling stations in France and in Germany.


This allows you to use motorways in the Benelux, Denmark and Sweden.


It applies to vehicles weighing more than 12 tonnes based on two price levels : vehicles with 3 axles or those with 4 and more.


The Eurovignette can be bought for 1 day, 1 week, 1 month or 1 year.


The amounts of these purchases are charged to the Eurotrafic invoice in the same way as for tolls.





Antwerp Tunnel


Since 15 October 2003, your Eurotrafic card has been accepted at the Liefkenshoektunnel toll (Belgium). This tunnel, situated near to Antwerp, is the only toll tunnel in Belgium.


The applicable charges depend on the height of the vehicle concerned.





Swiss customs


The Eurotrafic card is accepted as a means of payment by Swiss customs to pay for the RPLP tax on HGVs that weigh 3.5 tonnes or more and are used to transport goods.




Portuguese tollbooths

A simple control box that lets you through all the Portuguese motorway toolbooths !


With the Eurotrafic card and Via Verde service, you can pay your way through all the tollbooths on the Portuguese motorway system.



Take advantage of centralised payment:


Avoid all the administrative hassle related to motorway toll bills.

Bills are sent to you including a detailed statement of your tollbooth transactions in Portugal, with the total amount carried over to your Eurotrafic invoice.

For further information, visit www.viaverde.pt





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Our cost structure (simple filling stations, no personnel costs, low operating costs means that our price is appropriate to the requirements of the professional market.


We do not claim to be the cheapest everywhere, we are not a discounter but a professional for professionals.


We are not selling a price, but a concept and a service. Our prix tracks changes on the Platt's, an international benchmark for the professional diesel market.


Moreover, the configuration of our filling stations, with high speed pumps (10m3/h) reduces filling time and saves you both time and therefore money.


Might suit some good luck


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Yes apparently just as a good will jesture he paid £100 but obviously it comes off your invoice as and when they come in .


may be of some use to some especially people who pay off CCards straight away as when the invoice comes in pay it straight off apparently its quite a saving

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Hi Michele,I had a Eurotraffic card and used the AS24 unmanned stations,Eurotraffic as I understand it is from Total,they offer a wide range of products and outlets,the company I worked for had vans throughout europe everyday so it was easier to just use one card, cost is a different matter just look at the cost of fuel at Total stations in France ! put it this way I would steer well clear of A Eurotraffic card for personal use,I have the time to look around and find cheaper fuel at Super U or wherever, Van drivers dont, cheers Gerry.
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I am the manager of AS24 UK. I have reading the posts above and would be happy to help anyone looking for information on fuel and tolls on the continent.

Fell free to contact us on 01923 801 060 or by email at as24@gb.as24.com.

Best regards,

Xavier Bourat


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