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Don Madge

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This from the Speedferries website thanks to Motorhome List,


7 November 2008 09:00


Arrest of SpeedOne by the Port Authorities in Boulogne


Yesterday afternoon, shortly after 17:00 UK time, the Port authorities of Boulogne arrested SpeedFerries’ SpeedOne during its turnaround. The arrest was made on the basis of SpeedFerries Limited’s debts to the port in relation to port dues and taxes.


The arrest was totally unexpected, as the authorities had given written confirmation that no legal steps would be taken prior to a meeting planned for 10:00 today. At this meeting SpeedFerries in consultation with its bankers and financial advisors, were to present a proposal for a resolution of the issues relating to outstanding dues and taxes, as well as disputes with the Port regarding:


A) Substantial counterclaims towards the Port which have been entirely ignored by the French authorities, and


B) Serious competition and discriminatory issues in relation to the Port’s dealings with a French ferry operator preparing to start-up a Dover-Boulogne service.


The authorities informed the SpeedFerries staff on site that the arrest was carried out despite the written agreement, as “this would strengthen the negotiating position of the Port against SpeedFerries”.


As the actions of the Boulogne Port authorities are now proven to be unpredictable and inconsistent with their given guarantees, SpeedFerries finds itself in a position where it is unable to inform its customers, employees or business partners, of a firm date for the resumption of services.


The company deeply regrets this situation and asks everyone affected to accept our sincere apologies. Further statements will be issued when more information of substance becomes available.


SpeedFerries Limited

Curt Stavis

Chief Executive Officer


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:-D :-D Well spotted Don....such a pity...I have travelled with Speedferries on a number of occasions and have always found them to be very good...I know that space inside the vessels is very restricted but I've always seemed to manage....hope they get it sorted out.....





:-S :-S Smithy ;-) ;-)

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