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Chatterbox or M/home matters


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Sure its OK for the younger ones talking to their friends down the road.


The forum is International and World Wide, whatever is said go's around and I would prefer to see the English language used to suit all, not full of cliche's just to save the user thinking a little more.


Do people living in Indonesia understand English qips I doubt it and it would be oh SO MUCH easier to read and not have to wonder what its about.


Come on Twooks what do you think?


Bill (very old and grumpy)

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libby - 2008-11-14 6:55 PM


Sure its OK for the younger ones talking to their friends down the road.


The forum is International and World Wide, whatever is said go's around and I would prefer to see the English language used to suit all, not full of cliche's just to save the user thinking a little more.


Do people living in Indonesia understand English qips I doubt it and it would be oh SO MUCH easier to read and not have to wonder what its about.


Come on Twooks what do you think?


Bill (very old and grumpy)


Hi Bill (Libby), fair enough in what you are saying if that is your opinion, but have you actually looked at your own post, it would not help foreign people with a low command of English.

for example,


OK = okay

go's = goes

cliche's = cliches

qips = quips


Also in previous post what does TBAIT mean?


By the way KISS means Keep It Simple, Stupid.






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I'm asking myself how you (who regularly and eagerly offer expert advice on a wide range of complex subjects and are obviously capable of using an internet forum) seemingly have never heard of an internet search-engine like GOOGLE.


If you didn't understand my use of the term "KISS solution", rather than bleat, why didn't you just put the term through GOOGLE and then you'd have immediately found out? The term is convenient, well known and understood and, if you haven't come across it, that's hardly my fault.


I use GOOGLE all the time when I'm trying to answer forum inquiries (I had a go at your French button-accordion question but eventually lost heart) and, if I'm prepared to educate myself in subjects in which I've no direct interest, I've little patience if you can't be bothered to make a similar effort.

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