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peniscola .. where is the aire??

Guest berti

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hello everyone last year we could not find this aire and other m/homers were not even aware that one existed. as we were warned that the police were taking no prisoners with wild camping in the area we only stayed for lunch and a quick look around the castle area. we would like to stay a bit longer this year as it looked a very picturesque and interesting place...if we can locate the aire !!! i believe the article was in August 2004 issue p. 9 'first spanish aire ' i cannot find my copy ( probably in the blue bin ! )so any further info will be appreciated. kind regards berti
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It is close to the Hotel Casablancea at a place called something along the lines of Parking Las Morales. On my GPS I have retrieved the following coordinates if these are of use. N 40.39035 E000.40985 Its quite a large area but is popular even off season. Don't ask me for directions as my gps took me there. Others may be more helpful.
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Guest Nick Miller
Berti Not sure if i am sad or lazy but the magazine has not yet been recycled.... so here we go... It is situated at the Northern end of the town of Pensicola about 150 yards from the seafront.....tucked away behind the large Hotel Casablanca....7.5euros per night. Nick
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Guest Derek Uzzell
When it comes to obtaining information on motorhome service-points/parking abroad, don't overlook the www.campingcar-infos.com website. Although this is pimarily aimed at France there's also a good deal of stuff about 'aires' in other countries, often with GPS references. Data on the Pensicola aire is included and I notice it actually has its own website.
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Hi Berti, I am reposting part of an earlier post of mine. (I searched on Peniscola). "Whilst parked in Peniscola last Spring (2004) we were given an advert for a 'service area' : Detras Hotel Casablanca, Peniscola. Tel 657618636. (off Av. Papa Luna - North Beach). 130m from the beach, drinking water and presumably dumps - 7.50 euros for 24 hours including electricity. We did not use it as we were booked into a nearby C&CC rally". Hope this helps. Regards Cattwg
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