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Gas Abroad


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I'm taking an extended trip abroad next year. I should have enough gas to last but it seemed to be a good idea to be able to switch to Camping gaz if I run out. Cylinders are readily available abroad.

The trouble is, I normally run on propane - and camping gaz is butane.

I have a cylinder and a connector so I've tried it. The cooker certainly seems to work OK but that's as far as I've gone.

Does anyone know if it can cause any damage using butane on an appliance that should be using propane.


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I don't know what sort of appliance you have in mind but I have certainly changed over to Camping Gaz at times in my motorhome with no ill effects. The problem you will find though is that butane of course will not (boil) in freezing temperatures and it is also very expensive to exchange a cylinder in France. However, the last time I exchanged one in Spain it was very cheap but that was several years ago.
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Hi Terry,


Your motorhome's appliances should work perfectly happily on butane as well as on propane and no damage will be caused by changing to Campingaz.


You've not provided any details of your motorhome but, as you've hooked up to a Campingaz bottle just using a connector (rather than changing the regulator), I assume it's fairly modern (say 2004-onwards) with a bulkhead-mounted 30mbar regulator.


Might be worth you clicking on the following links to a couple of earlier forum postings. Although nearly 3 years old, I think the information is still reasonably accurate.






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