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Credit Cards in France


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Have returned from France on 2nd November after 8 weeks and we used:




Goldfish (now called Barclays)




No problems with any of them (they are all current UK chip & PIN cards)


In addition we used the Nationwide FLEX card to withdraw cash, again without any problems.



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Thanks for this, we noticed that there is a large difference in price per litre when you use the un-manned Fuel station in France & Belgium, but was a litlle cautious because of previous comments and then I wondered how secure these were.

I suppose we are seeing more and more Chip & Pin Filling stations in out Country - I suppose I have to just get used to it!!!


Thanks again



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Beware !


We had no problems paying for goods by credit card in supermarkets, or for fuel at supermarkets, but did not try to use 'Automat' unmanned fuel pumps in France.


We used 'Automats' without any problem in Norway this year, but in the past have never got a French 'Automat' to accept a UK card and only had one attempt this time (it would not accept the card).

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There doesn't seem to be any logic in this automat thing except possibly don't expect them to always accept our 'foreign' cards in France. We've used them in other counries without any problems at all, the most recent being the Netherlands. I guess that new cards plus new machine is OK but any other combination might not be? 

Another surprise in la belle France was the card-only bornes in the South. There is a funky looking card operated Flot-bleu on many of the aires down there that will offer you a menu in six languages - but will only take a French card!  We spent quite a lot of time in total hanging around with our three euros in hand waiting for a Frenchman to buy our water with his card!!

All our cards worked fine elsewhere, ATMs, Supermarkets, Garages, etc.

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spospe - 2008-11-21 4:35 PM




Beware !


We had no problems paying for goods by credit card in supermarkets, or for fuel at supermarkets, but did not try to use 'Automat' unmanned fuel pumps in France.


We used 'Automats' without any problem in Norway this year, but in the past have never got a French 'Automat' to accept a UK card and only had one attempt this time (it would not accept the card).


Since the conversion of french fuel pumps to take UK chip and pin cards, which took place last year, I have used my UK visa credit card in many pumps. The only time I have had a problem I have found that the pump would not accept a french card either.

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In any country UK or Europe we always carry enough local cash for at least a tank full of diesel and some basic food items so that we are not beaten by the system - except that an automated unmanned fuel pump won't take cash - and then spend the cash at the last fill up before leaving the zone!
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Thanks for the comment about card-operated bornes - I was going to ask if anyone had experience of them. These things are becoming increasingly common and I've often wondered whether they would accept a UK credit card. I'd guess that the card-readers on more recently installed bornes might, but the readers on older bornes will have yet to be converted.

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Only hearsay but one 'agent municipal' we talked too said the Flot Bleu was a pain in the derriere and lots of communes were taking them out. We never managed to get a statement from either commune or Flot Bleu about their intentions over international cards. I last tried in 2007 though. I've never seen a Raclet with card facility but its not difficult to see the attraction from the operators point of view so it seems possible that the idea will spread to this market leader ... but many communes still like the old 'jeton' method of course which also solves most of the usual cash problems.
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I have just returned from France and have used my Nationwide Debit Card to pay for Diesel at Supermarkets. At some of the kiosks they has two card readers on for French cards and another for UK cards.

It is going to take a while for all machines to be changed to accept Uk cards.

We always carry enough cash to pay for fuel when travelling far across France as it is generally quite easy to obtain cash from a cash macine.

I found that Cridit Agricloe Bank had the best machines and some branches were machines only.

From Calais we stopped in the centre of Ardres in a large car park so I could go to the cash machine.

Do not obtain Euros in UK as Banks give a very poor rate. Use your Nationwide credit or debit card to obtain cash. I obtained some very good rates on the trip which started at 1.28€. At home I would have probably only got 1.22€ to the pound.


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Why do people have problems with their Crdit and Debit cards in Europe.


We have used Masatercard and Switch/meastro cards in Europe especialy France since we had our first Access card in the early 70s Have we been very lucky or are others unlucky! We have used them in Hypermarkets,shops, filling stations, railway stations and airports. Where we thought we might have problems was in South Africa but even that was ok. We use Nat West and have never been charged for the privelege.



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There is a difference between french and English credit cards, The French cards are encrypted, but the English cards are not, which leaves them open to fraud, That is why the French machines would not accept them, Despite the introduction of chip and pin, credit card fraud is still on the rise.

In to-days paper there is a report that German businesses are refusing to accept credit cards, because they resent paying the handling fees imposed by credit card companies. (Credit crunch perhaps)

cheers Em.

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Some comments on a couple of earlier points raised.


When France originally introduced a chip-and-pin system for credit-cards, it was decided to employ a system unique to that country. This meant that, although non-French cards could be accepted by being swiped through a reader that accessed the data on their magnetic strips, automated transactions (eg. obtaining fuel at unmanned service stations) could not be performed via non-French cards.


When other countries (not just the UK) decided to implement chip-and-pin, a standardised system was chosen that differed from the existing French one. The two systems were not compatible, meaning that non-French cards (despite embodying chip-and-pin technology) could still not be used for automated transactions in France. Within the last few years the French chip-and-pin system has been brought into line with that of other countries and, after a lengthy transition period, non-French cards have become usable for (most) automated transactions.



Niton mentions use of Nationwide debit- and credit-cards...


We have both types of Nationwide card and use the CREDIT-card for purchase transactions abroad that involve non-trivial sums of money. (Why spend your own dosh when you can use someone else's?) No commission fee is charged on such transactions.


We use our Nationwide DEBIT-card for obtaining cash abroad from ATMs. No commission fee is charged for doing this.


However, it needs to be appreciated that, although no commission fee is charged for using a Nationwide CREDIT-card to obtain cash (neither abroad nor in the UK), the procedure is treated as a 'cash advance' and a significant cash withdrawal fee WILL be charged whether you obtain the cash in this country or elsewhere.


To avoid the cash withdrawal fee, you must obtain your cash via your Nationwide DEBIT-card.

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I echo all the positive comments about Nationwide cards - we never use anything else when we're abroad.

As to petrol/diesel pumps, for once it WAS the French who were out of step with Europe, not us.

But finally, this year, after several years of people saying that French pumps would be changed over "next year," it does seem to have happened in most places. Used cards in auto pumps several times on each of our trip earlier this year. Still, there are bound to be some that lag behind, so DON'T RUN OUT OF FUEL ON A SUNDAY - unless you'ree happy to stay where you are until Monday!



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Likewise in France never had any problem paying for anything with our Nationwide Card - the only problem we encountered was when withdrawing euros some cash points said they were paying the money out but then no money came very confusing, but we managed to speak to one bank clerk who was very helpful and explained that all the French machines would be changed but they have not yet so you can get the problem of not getting euro's out. The other point Lidl nearly always asked to see our Passport when paying with our Nation Wide Card. Carol.
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I did hit a 'problem' this year attempting to obtain euros from a French ATM. I wanted a good-sized wedge of cash (400 euros I think) and, although the ATM allowed me to key in that amount and apparently accepted the figure, the card was then ejected from its slot and no cash was forthcoming. I tried a couple of times with the same result. I then wondered if the ATM had a top limit on a single cash-withdrawal (the machine offered pre-defined amounts up to 300 euros) and, when I lowered my requirement to 300 euros, the cash was provided.


It has regularly irritated us in the past when French ATMs have provided notes of 50 euros denomination, as these are a nuisance for small-value purchases. It's useful to be aware that La Poste ATMs tend to issue cash in 20 and 10 euros denominations. The ones that do this will carry a message saying so on their information-screen.

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