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Motorhome storage.


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Hello all.


Having recently relocated to the "Wild West", aka Hull 8-) , following my divorce, I'm faced with the possibility of putting my beloved Swift Royale in storage. With no drive to park on, it's first come, first served parking on the road, and it's also not exactly the most salubrious area in the country :-S


Having never been more than a few yards away from the 'van for the past ten years, I've no idea what storage entails so if anyone out there does this, I'd appreciate advice. There's a secure storage near to me which I'm happy with and they're members of the storage site association, (can't remember the proper name *-) ), but I'm not sure what else I need to do.


Thanks in advance.



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Hi Ben and welcome back to East Yorkshire! :->


You'll need to contact your insurance company first and see what, if any, restrictions, or extra security features, they will want you to adhere to. Then you need to think about how you are going to maintain your van so that the batteries don't go flat and it is kept in a good usable condition - ie stop the brakes seizing etc, etc. Also, how to keep it safe by draining down all the water and putting it into hibernation when you're not using it.

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We store our 2year old motor home at one of these storage sites. Also cannot remember the name of the assosiation. It is about 15 mins from our house. Very secure full camera coverage, also have to have a card to get in. Still good idea to have a wheel lock fitted. Ours costs approx £600 a year. It may possibly be cheaper in your part of the country, as we live on the south coast. You can leave your car there when you are away with your van, so you know that is safe as well. We are able to park our MH on our drive for short stay, but do not want it there all the time as it is to big.

Can recommend these store facilities Look up caravan storage on the net in your area, then check out, also you have to see if they have vacancies, as in this area, they can get full up.

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CASSOA GOLD is what you should be looking for. I had to notify my insurer that my van was not going to be on my drive, they were more than happy but needed to know about where it was stored. Something about "risk assassment" and being aware of their obligations. In other words if I had not told them I was not covered for theft.

Mine also south coast at £600/year with hardstanding and 364 days access (not Xmas day).

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I have just moved to the Bristol area and had to find a storage site. It costs £350/yr and has no facilities. However it appears to be secure which is the most important factor. My insurance premium increased by £22 as a result. (Formerly it was kept on my drive.) I decided to fit a Phantom tracker device as extra security.
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Hi Ben.


Hull's not that bad just gets a bad press :-)


I live in the centre of Hull so have had to use storage as there is no space to park at home. To be honest I feel the van is much safer there as all secure fencing around compound, need pass to get in and out, video survalance 24/7 and security patrols at night. The price has just gone up to £288 per year which I am quite happy with.


Ours is fine I have got two small solar panels £20 each from maplins to plug in the 12v sockets and these seem to keep everything toped up (I am sure some one will question the usefulness of these but they work for me)and I do try and take it out for a run every two weeks for about 1/2 hour or so just to keep things moving.


I just told my insurance and they didnt make a fuss or any extra charges. The price of the van dictated the alarm system which had to be fitted.


we also leave our car there when we are away


Hope this help


Cheers (lol)

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