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A warning from Calais Dover Customs


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A word of warning regarding the Calais Aire.

There is an issue with illegal immigrants congregating around the aire and no doubt other parking areas.

We have been advised by customs to be aware of potential problems regarding this issue.

Their tactic is to create a noise to get the motorhome owners to open up their doors to gain entry to the vehicle.

Please be aware , use your alarms, keep a mobile phone near to hand whilst sleeping and don't open your doors either to check noises from outside or to answer knocks at the door or window.


enjoy your travels



as a postcript, I have received an email from P&0 this morning offering 2009 discounts.


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Guest JudgeMental

We stayed at city de Europe Aire 3 weeks ago without incident...for God sake stop spreading panic! It’s contagious you know...... Probably the same mentality that see’s all children as a threat!


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Judge get me :D I saw (I kid you not ) no less than 50 huddled under a tree in a blowing gale just as we pulled out on Sat morning 8-) .


City Europe Umh well lets say we moved because three came out of the tree's I didnt fancy shutting my eye's slightly un nerved me .

Hence the move to the port which didnt do alot more for me when I was greeted by that sight .

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> Nice to hear that you had a good overnight stay at City Europe, didn't

> know you could overnight there so many thanks for the info.

> I would rather pass on the warning given by Calais customs than let a

> novice overnight in Calais and be unaware. It's up to those reading

> it how seriously they take it, or what action they will take.

> Regarding children, love them, just can't eat a whole one!!

> Regards

> Pat (& Trev)


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Hey its Horses for courses Judge we left City Europe when two jumped over the fence who knows maybe they were workers working on the otherside of the fence (in Euro Tunnel) but I got a dogy feeling what finally topped it was three having a toilet in the bush at the parking area .

They didnt look the nicest of character and painfully obvious they were immigrants .

Just because they are immigrants dont mean they are theifs or trouble makers but after they came out the bushes and eye's us up hubby didnt want to take his clothes off and sleep peacfully for fear of having to get up for any trouble . So for us if there had of been other vans we might of stayed but it was just us so we left .

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We went out from Calais on 5th November by P & O and stayed the night on the Port. Security during the night was fine. We have just arrived back (2 hours ago) and stayed Sunday night on Cite Europe and we were the only ones there, Security Van came round during the night. We saw NO sign of any illegals, maybe it was too cold for them. There was no mention going out or coming back about problems, in fact, there was no-one on the Customs gates on this side of the Channel and it was only 4pm. Coming from Dover they didn't even want to see our Passports, just waved us through.
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Back in February we were on Calais aire and had several illegals knocking on the doors of the motorhomes begging for food or cash, they had short shrift from everybody there.


If you drive from the aire towards town then turn left towards the Port and look down the next left in early evening you will more than likely see about 200 plus illegals all over the road waiting for food handouts, not a nice sight.


Much better to stop at the Port for the night these days at least you have some security otherwise well away from the area.

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