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I'm new to this, but not motorhomes, currently own a swift 630l, a ltd edition Carrera, one purchased from Cranhams ugh. Anyway, very happy with van but so are Flys.We are inundated with the things, they hide in every nook and cranny, the door frames seem to be the favourite both cab doors and body door. Has any one else had the same problem? Over the summer no matter where we have parked the wretched flys have arrived.They seem to love getting in to the gaps around the doors and just sit there,so whenever we open the doors, in they come, a large and I mean large, quantity of flys. Great fun and good sport for swatting but there's always one or two left at bedtime and they just keep on buzzzzzzzzzing!

Help has any one any solutions?

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Are you SURE they are getting IN and not trying to get OUT? I just wonder if you have something in your van where they are hatching out? It is not normal for flies to be around so much, unless of course you like parking in places where they are prolific which I doubt.


Do you park where mice etc could get in and die in-situ? Or other such creatures? It's amazing how many flies you get from dead creatures!!! We had a dead rat in the attic and went up to retrieve something and the amount of flies that came out was unbelievable!!!


You might like to consider having a really good rummage around inside, taking out everything you can and getting your van fumigated professionally.

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Yep definitely coming in I have been thru the van with a fine tooth comb and as we use the motorhome a lot, over 200 nights in the last year,Iknow nothings got in and died! They seem to love getting into the cracks outside,so when you open the door they all come in.I've tried flyspray ,various types,to no avail,if its parked in the sun they seem to congregate around the doors and vents then as it cools down they seem to be sheltering in the gaps around the doors.I have tried to make it as unfriendly with flysprays as much a possible.The motorhome is parked in the same spot as our previous vans when home and none of which suffered like this!

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Before you got the van, I wonder if it was cleaned with some substance that the flies like? Might be worth giving it a really good clean with a strong shampoo (safe for use on motorhomes of course!) to see if that solves the problem. Interesting that you are not a 'fan' of Cranhams ... did they know this ... I just wonder if they've put something on the van to attract them to annoy you ... silly me, of course they wouldn't ....! :D


There must be something 'appealing' to them for them to want to come in an say hello ... what aftershave do you wear? :$


What kind of flies are they, big standard house flies, small midge like ones, how many, etc. Don't suppose you can get a photo of one? It might help us to be able to work out what they are exactly and find out their 'preferences'. :-S

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Sounds a bit like the wasp invasion earlier in the year, eventually there were none.


Me thinks you will simply have to park differently, if on a cool evening your M/H is a warm and attractive 'home for insects', who can blame them for wanting to call in and take advantage of it?


Eventually you will become a proficient insectologist and learn what they like best.


I assume you are a city dweller, us country bumpkings knows how to deal with these natural things.


'dusent we fred and alis from cornal-shire?

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Paul- - 2008-12-05 8:15 PM


Curly - 2008-12-05 5:16 PM


It's a good idea to put the cheese and pate away over night.

(lol) (lol)

Doesn’t work, OH puts it away but I always find it (lol)




Thats what the the noise was at pickering - it was the overload of cheese after the bbq giving you nightmares


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Next time you are shopping by a product called Raid . they come in sprays and stand alone gadgets they work very well .

I know because we had a similar problem in an old house once and we could not get rid until we tried this product .


good luck I hope you get it sorted out .

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Is it a brand new m/home? I ask because I bought a new mobile home last year and it is inundated with flies and I think perhaps it is the "newness smell" which is attracting them. I put the Raid flowers on the windows and this did some good but then bought a pull-up dispenser from Betterwear which is much more efficient and the number of flies is decreasing rapidly. I think they are coming in through the air vents, particularly when it is sunny, so I have found some fine gauze which will still allow air in but hopefully will keep out the flies. These are huge cattle flies but there are no cattle near!
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Now that it has been mentioned, our Swift Kontiki had that problem with flys. But our Rapido seems not to.


I think what attacted them was the warmth or smell of the rubber.


If I recall I sprayed some Raid anti insect spray on a rag and ran the rag around the seals.




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When I had a wasp invasion earlier this year I equiped myself with allsorts of things to kill them.


The two most effective were a tennis bat zapper, which was quite effective once you got over the temptation to hit them hard (just a gentle swipe works best), and the other was an electronic blue light zapper. This is very good with small flies, and you get a perverse delight when another one goes "crack" and gives a burning smell!


I never go anywhere without these now, and I think the blighters know and go elsewhere! :-D


Stopping them getting in is of course the first priority. I found several of my ventillation grilles had quite large holes. Covering them with a finer metal mesh must have helped, but if they really want to be in then you'll struggle to stop them.


Best of luck.

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Some good ideas, I'll try the raid around the door seals. Farmer and countryboy by profession now retired (young!!)but still living in the middle of nowhere. Have horses at home,but interestingly don't have the problem on the horsebox which has living arrangement very similar in layout to the motorhome at the front.Nor have we had the problem with previous motorhomes all parked in the same spot.No previous motorhome has been a Swift so maybe it is something used by them.I shall purchase the Raid stuff next time in town and try it

Thanks one and all

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Hi again Gadget.man, now that youu have linked your flies to a Swift, I have a Swift touring caravan and on a certain C.L. flies always bask in the sun shine on the out side of it. I wonder if there is something in swift paint??????????????????
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