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I believe there was article in MMM some time back by someone who did that. (they may even have taken it on to Australia and New Nealand?)Personally I would`nt as to make it cost effective you will have to stay several Months, up to a year IF you can get the Visa. In 2004 We Hired (VERY expensive) and did 12K miles in as many weeks. Your "Euro" Camper would have to be converted. (110Volt 60Hz electric for a start) which means the cost of a Transformer, the T-V`(s) won`t work (NTSC not PAL) and shipping will be Costly too (estimated cost NOW of shipping an American R-V is in excess of £3000 ONE WAY).


If do it again I will buy an R-V and sell it on when I`ve finished. that way the unit is set up for US use, Currently there is a 5th wheel unit up for sale In Florida?, owned by a British Couple, who are looking to sell it (see "Motohome Fun" forum), Ocasionally R-V`s come up similar.



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This is something we have been thinking about, although not as near as you. I am interested to know everything you find out about taking your van across the pond. We were thinking of going for at least a year with perhaps a tour of Canada while we were there. As you can see it is a retirement plan.


I liked the idea of taking my own van because it was what I am use to and it would be loaded with everything I need for everyday use with out having to kit out a new unit. Will have to double check the conversion issues. Also thought it would be nice to join in with American rallies as appose to English organised rallies, as I am sure you would get a better feel for the American way of life.


We would follow the van on cheap plane tickets. There has been quite a bit on various threads and some even have good web sites to glean information from. Sorry not written them for you.


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I've done it in reverse (see my link in my sig) - actually I've shipped 3 campers to Europe. Shipping cost me the equivalent of 2 weeks rental. YMMV.


We often encounter Europeans with their campers over here - mostly Germans.


here's a good place to start (they used to have an English version, so I suspect they can converse in English if you contact them):









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Hi why did you bring this up now, you have got me on this thread again. I too have been toying with this idea for 2 years but some other tour has stopped me doing it.

First and foremost it is worthwhile if the time is in excess of 2-3 months as this is the breakeven point, I have done some calculations and the savings for a 6 month trip can be £10k especially now with the £=$ exchange rate, this is based on our vehicles doing approx. twice the mpg even to a USA gallon.

We have hired twice for 8-9 weeks and toured the western states (unforgetable loved every second) via El Monte and they were faultless and easy to get on with realy nice people.

When you look at hiring for 6 months plus you are in the region of £16k-£18 but I reckon I could get there for for around £7k.

Contacts www.autoshippers .co.uk gave me a price this Sept £2659 port to port, Liverpool-Halifax. departure every 7 days takeing 9 days.

Contact Motorhome world for thier fact sheet on Touring the US in your own Motorhome good bits of info.

Why did you have to bring this up now good luck.




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I'm going to watch this thread carefully and print out later as this is something my husband and I want to do (for 1 year at least) when he retires - nearly 8 years to go yet though >:-(


Good luck to anybody doing it before us - I am sure you will have a really great time. B-)

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Not quite your answer but we have hired on several occasions from Cruise America, staying at KOA sites. Not sure if they are still in operation.


I look for simplicity, pays yer money and forget all the snags.


All the neccesary utensils supplied, all we needed was food and fuel, never a problem it was so simple.


We did it before (so called) retiring, whilst we were fit, now we can only talk about it as we creep about at a slow speed.


It was pricey but free from problems. If I were to go again for a long spell I would consider buying and selling later.

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Hi, I understand the taking the motorhome across bit, But how do you deal with insurrance once there. I understand that USA insurrance is a bit of a mine field.

I remember when I lived in the states back in 1996 looking to buy a car, that bit was easy and cheap, but the cost of insurrance was around 4 times the cost of the car.

great country and i wish i had not returned to this hell hole called england.


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There is a blog on this very subject on www.magbaztravels.com web site. It is well worth reading as a blog on its' own, but be warned it is very easy to get fired up by doing this! I was and the logistics sound VERY doable to anyone with a modicum of common sense. It's now simmering quite nicely on a back burner for 2011.!


To get to the link go to the index at the side of the page and look at "fellow travellers".


magbaz travels web site is great for all vanners to get ideas and tips for trips etc.

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