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Side facing seats


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I have a Fiat Royal 610 Motorhome 1997 model.

As seat belts (if they could be fitted) in side facing seats will do more harm than good. Can anyone tell me what the law is regarding passengers riding in these side facing seats - I understand children under 14years understandable are not allow for safety reasons, but what about adults?

I have had conflicting information so far, perhaps someone can tell me where I can find out the correct info' as Fiat do not want to reply to my emails? Thank you,


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I think you will find its legal to carry passengers on unbelted seats in a M/H made before a certain date, it has been metioned before on one of the forums. I would add, at your own risk. sorry to be vague but have not got it in front of me on a official paper.
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I have just on an earlier thread about seat belts for side facing warned not to do so!! we have a Kontiki 610 and I only sat for maybe 75yds while we moved up the road from one Stalplatze in Germany to another, a dog that was uleashed ran infront of the van causing my husband to do an emergency stop, I was thrown out of my seat and tthe top of my head crashed into the unit on the ofside! we werent travelling anymore than 15 or 20 mls per hr I was knocked dizzy and was really worried for a couple of days that I had done damage, had we been travelling at a normal speed I know I wouldnt be here to tell the tale.


O.H. wanted to take me to Hospital but I refused as just two days before I had been bitten by a dog in Holland and taken to Hospital :-S I thought my 6 week holiday was going to be over after less than a week.


Please Dont let anyone travel unrestrained I had thought it might be alright to take our Grand=daughter sometime and I would sit in the back but not now I was lucky once I wouldnt chance it again.

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It is quite legal for you to carry pasasengers in the rear of your present motorhome - even without seat belts.


As you say, and as maggyd has found out, it is very unsafe to do so and surprising just how much force is exerted when braking/cornering even at low speeds.


Even with side facing seats there are dangers of internal injuries to such passengers in an accident or injuries from colliding with fixed items of furniture.



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I always remember the following: in a crash at just 30 mph, a small dog takes on the effective weight of a young elephant.


Want the driver to be hit in the back of the head by a baby elephant?. And it's even worse with a large child or adult.


Mel E


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Have you checked with your insurance company? You may find that as it is classed as only being equipped with 2 belted seats, ie the driver and front seat passenger, that they have classed is as a 2 seater vehicle and you can therefore only carry 2 people to remain within your insurance conditions.


If you carried someone else and had an accident, quite apart from whether or not anyone was injured, you could find that you have broken the terms of your insurance and therefore have become 'uninsured' (any excuse not to have to pay out) and that could be a VERY expensive thing indeed.

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