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Permanent Medication & Long Term Touring

Don Madge

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We are both on permanent medication and spend up to 180 days away at a time.


In the past we have obtained three months medication from our GP and bought what extra we needed as and when required. As the medication is for hyper tension (high blood pressure) it is readily available without a prescription from pharmacies in most EU countries and in Turkey where we spend quite a bit of time.


This year after a thread on the Motorhome List in which Martin Bennett the Managing Director Of Associated Chemists (Wicker) Ltd in Sheffield offered to supply medication (even post it abroad) if we had a prescription. We contacted our GP and explained the situation and he agreed to supply a private prescription (free of charge) for three months medication. This would more than cover us for our forthcoming winter trip.


We sent the prescriptions to Martin who had quoted a very reasonable price compared with our local pharmacist. We received our medication by return of post from.


Associated Chemists (Wicker) Ltd

55-67 Wicker, Sheffield S3 8HT.


Tel (0114) 272 7676 Fax (0114) 272 6431




I have no connection with the company except as a very satisfied customer."


Safe travelling.



PS. I ran this past Martin and he replied: - "For an added fee (substantial) I'm willing to deliver it myself in my Hymer!! Preference will be given to those in warm locations!"


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If you are refering to Spain then I don't understand it unless the pharmasist thought there would be some problem with the medicine.

My son as just gone home and loaded himself up with prescription drugs as he says its cheaper to buy here than pay the UK charges.I take 4 different tablets a day for a heart condition and often buy over the counter rather than seeing the doctor.


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