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Change of plans

david lloyd

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Had a phone call from the warden at the CC site at Grassington last night - the site is covered in sheet ice and 4" of snow!!


We were booked in from today until Monday so that we could visit the Dickensian Festival in Grassington on Saturday. Although we were still given the option of going the fact that there are contractors on site renewing the hook up system (and all I could hear in the background was the festive drilling of a jackhammer) sort of made us think twice.


Just managed to get a cancellation at Beechwood Grange in York this morning so we have changed our plans - that's the key to motorhoming, flexibility.



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Hi David

We just returned from Grassington after being there last weekend. I had to do a bit of ice breaking with a shovel to get my bus out , but the site roads were not too bad, and i've got a 28 foot tag-axle fiat,so it a'nt the nimblest of things. The wardens did a great job of getting everybody in on the Friday and I think everybody got out under ther own stream at the end of their weekends.

The main point of my post is should we expect more from the wardens.

Before we went to Grassington, we had a week at Rowntree park in York and there the roads on the site were absolutely leathal, it was a complete ice ring and the sacks of salt were by the main gate doing no good. when we came to leave I had to ask a warden if he could put some down near to my van so I had a chance to get come traction when we left. He told my the tractor had a puncture, but he did come with a wheelbarrow of salt/grit and we got out OK. I don'nt know if anybody did have a fall but it was very dangerous to walk about on the site. I might add that by this time all the roads and pavements in York were completly clear of snow and ice.

When you arrived at Grassington there is a private road through a commercial campsite before you reach the club site. that road was completly clear so there must of been a snowplough up there somewhere, but when you got to the site entrance 4/5 inches of snow which soon became compacted ice. I wonder why the club site roads had not been ploughed.

Me and the co-pilot mused over a glass or three of Merlot if they have the same problems abroad were they get alot more snow.

The one saving grace was that once we were in it did'nt matter if the site stayed ice bound until March/April we could just extend the holiday.

Anyway the Dickensian Festival was good when we were there quite magical with all the snow, and the walking across the hills was absolutely fabulous.

Enjoy your weekend



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