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Hooked (up) on Aires


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Hi Judge,

Sorry if we upset you but we were just making the point that in our opinion France is the best country in Europe for motorhomers. Yes we have travelled further afield, from North Cape to Sicily as well as much of Eastern Europe and Iberia but find France hard to beat. We spend around 5/6 months each year in France including peak times and have yet to witness the bun fights you mention, you must have been unlucky.

But enough of this as others rightly point out the aim of this thread, and we hope the site, is to share infomation in a spirit of friendship. So lets keep this thread going with more suggests of aires with hook-ups. Perhaps you would like to add one or two Judge?

Jean and Robert

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Guest JudgeMental
Don’t get me wrong (again) this is a useful thread......As I said earlier it would be handy to string together into a set of useful POI
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Hi Robert and Jean, Thanks for sharing all your information on Aires. As a first time Motorhomer (18 years as a tugger) we are enjoying the freedom and versitility of being able to park just about anywhere. One more item we realise we need to add to our every increasing 'must have' list is a splitter. Can you tell me where you bought your splitters from? B-)
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JudgeMental - 2008-12-14 12:14 PM


We stay on Aires all the time, and have observed the bun fight’s to obtain electricity when it’s been available.


In order to make the thread even more useful, perhaps we could have the details of some of these aires with electricity on which you have stayed.

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Guest JudgeMental
BrianR - 2008-12-18 9:03 PM


JudgeMental - 2008-12-14 12:14 PM


We stay on Aires all the time, and have observed the bun fight’s to obtain electricity when it’s been available.


In order to make the thread even more useful, perhaps we could have the details of some of these aires with electricity on which you have stayed.


Honfleur last spring holiday for one, as its an easy one to remember. I don't keep notes as to where we stop as usually a spur of the moment thing, on route via sat nav....


But I guess the question really a bit pointless as most on here travel out of high season when access probably not a problem.




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Hi, my motto has always been "every body to their own" but I fail to understand why people want more details of Aires with various facilities from other travellers, buy the books and do your own thing, be adventurous don't rely on other campers to do your searching for you and get more excitement out of travelling.


Yes OK occasionally it is nice to here of a nice spot but we get more out of our way of touring when we find these little gems.


We could not tell anyone what route to take to get to any part of Europe as we just tour/wander what ever direction takes our fancy, we do not use the same route if it is possible and Europe being the size it is this is quite easily done, after all isn't that is why we bought these vehicles in the first place.

(lol) (lol)

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I agree with the previous post regarding "doing your own thing" and your own research in books and on websites, but I have often remarked that, until you actually get to an aire for the first time, you never know what you are going to find. Whilst this is all part of the joy of 'vanning, in some circumstances it can be a problem. For instance, I like to spend as long as possible down south in the winter and then return to the UK as quickly as possible. In these circumstances it is useful to know where I can get electricity, say. The guides and websites don't necessarily make this sort of detail clear. After a long winter journey, it is not enjoyable to arrive at an aire and find that it has not got the facilities you had expected. I am well aware of the desireability of arriving in good time, so that you have the time to seek another stopping place, but that would mean leaving the sunshine earlier!
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Hi as allways we overnight in the french aires on our way to the sun and they have allways been free from nov to march but this year the french police were charging 10 euro a night and erecting new signs with the new charges i dont know if they are doing it on all aires but definately in the Biarritz area and even after paying the ten euros did not get electric
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These lists are really good and although some if not all are in the guide books available commercially there is noting like a personal review.


When I come across any threads with information on where I'm going I just highlight the info, right click, press "copy", then open a new "Word" document, right click "paste" and hey presto all the info on its' own page. These I then put in a loose leaf plastic envelope and keep in a folder.


I have had some really good info on sites, areas to visit as well as aires.


Thinking about it, perhaps I should follow my own advice and "copy" this to the "Hints & Tips" folder! (^)

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