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having a bit of a panic!


We called in on Eddie yesterday on our way home from Dover.

As we drove up to his house in south london, I saw the lez signs and wondered a bit! like you do, but ignorance being bliss!! etc etc

And last night when we got home we were pretty tired and I thought nothing of it, well to be honest I had totally forgotten about it!! age!!

But this evening I suddenly remembered and got on to the transport for london web site and was amazed at the cost, so put in our registration number with trepidation and according to the information that came back our vehicle is NOT subject to lez!


A lucky break! I can honestly say I knew no details of the lez, and neither did Charles, we were totally ignorant of the fact that we would be driving into it on our way to Eddies and what the consequenses would have been if we had been liable to pay, and not known.


If our vehicle was subject to the lez, would we have received notice of this via the dvla? or some other agency?

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Look down the btm of this page


If it was first time in zone you would get letter with 28 days to pay. my guess is this would come from TFL as do congestion charge PCN's


Couple of years back I fell foul of congestion charge due to a mix up at work, luckily (after several months) TFL had to drop charges due to not following correct procedures, but I get a warning letter that they would not allow my excuse to stand another time.

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Guest JudgeMental

I feared the worst for Carol as their van is 6 years old....luckily their van is compliant! Congestion charge is £8, if you fall foul of the LEZ cost can be in the £100's *-)


Anyone thinking of visiting or passing through London you need to check first!


I would think the fine would come from TFL?

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Guest JudgeMental
fred grant - 2008-12-14 7:59 PM


us thinks u is gettin your congestion charges mixed up with your emission zones my biddies. two different things and not the same.




No Fred... Carol aware of difference as she mentioned it to me when she visited. having a recent van I tend not to think about it BUT I know it can cost £100's for LEZ and £8 for the congestion charge. I offered to look it up on computer when Carol was here but she declined.


out of interset has any one with an older van found out the charges? and from what year of manafactur will the heavy charges start?



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