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water in france


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handyman - 2008-12-17 5:59 PM


correct tracker, its the high speed acceleration thats affected, and all I'm doing is driving all day for 2 days, so when i arrive, normality begins!


Drives me mental when i cant maintain 85 as soon as a slight hill appears


I am not sure whether you are being serious when you say you like to cruise at 85 mph but I would be interested to know where this would be legal as the equivalent is 136.79 kph. In France the top speed allowed for cars in good driving conditions is 130 kph and probably less for motorhomes. Perhaps it is allowed in some countries but I doubt it.


It also sounds highly dangerous driving at such fast speeds for the whole day on two consecutive days - I know that the adrenaline will be high but it only takes a small margin to hit the ditch. Anyway I certainly hope I am not on the same piece of road at the same time and get caught in your down draught. A speeding coach (the police saw the accident happen and they couldn't read the name on the coach because of his speed) caught me many years ago when pulling a caravan at a modest 42 mph (max allowed then was 50) and within seconds I was running along the central reservation. Scrubbed the back tyres off the car and both car and caravan were written off so I know what a slip stream can do despite being a very experienced "tugger".

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Your original posting on this subject said


"The best place to get water in France is from the cemetries."


I merely mentioned that similar advice had been published in a French motorhome magazine and had received harsh criticism.


If you had said


"If you are really desperate it's possible to obtain a small amount of water from a cemetery."


that would have made your attitude plain. (Though I would probably still have brought up the French magazine's letter.)


Although France is generally tolerant of motorcaravanners, there's no doubt that many French people (including some local authorities) view them as 'travellers' and a nuisance. A motorcaravanner being spotted filling up a water container - even a small one - from a cemetery tap is unlikely to change that attitude for the better.


Plenty of UK cemeteries have water taps, but I doubt if UK locals would be overjoyed to see a big French motorhome in the church car-park and the owner 'pinching' water from the cemetery tap.

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