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Hi! I am a new user, booked on this in Jan. In browsing I was interested to read about tea-making inthe cabin. Is the water in the cabin OK to use for this if boiled?

Also, as a poor sailor I have been recommended hyoscine patches available on prescription. Any experiences would be welcome. Thanks.

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I don't use it for anything other than shower etc., I take a couple of 2 ltr bottles in my rucksack for tea making, don't forget your kettle!


I also take food with me, I find the food to be "greasy spoon" standard and expensive.


I take digestive biscuits, mueslie bars, egg and cress sandwiches, instant noodles and a few other bits. We then have a picnic in the cabin when we feel peckish.


I have found the best cure for seasickness is to lie down on your back and drink a couple of glasses of duty free single malt, it works for me!



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Well sorry but I think you are all incredibley mean, infact skinflints you are saving money on fuel and road tolls and unbelieveably resent paying for your food and drinks on the ferry!!!!!


Honestly how sad is that? You are literally only saving pennies and if you are that badly strapped for money I feel that you should not really be going to Spain!


You must all be having heart attacks as the pound devalues and becomes closer in value to the Euro!!


Please wake up to the reality of present day living! You are probably in a 20K plus motorhomes and having a miserable time scrimping on what is literally going to cost peanuts(lol) (lol) (lol) How sad :'( :'(


Regards Pat

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Hi Bass7375 & welcome to the forum.


When we used the pride of Bilbao we had no problems with the water or the food on board . A couple of meals we ate on the boat were really very nice & on the return we had already packed stuff purely because of spending all our money on holidays .


We had young children so we made the everyday sandwich . We had no problems with the water with us or young children ,I think you will find its quite safe .However if you are suspectible to bugs and /or you are worried , why not take on board a few bottles of water .



One of my children is disabled and we use Hyocine patches regularly.

However they are not used for that reason with her .

Although listed as belonging to the group of medicines called an Anti Emetic they are known to cause a hell of a thirst . Maybe you wouldnt mind this actually you are told to make sure you take in plenty of fluid with these . Also they are horrible when stuck on the neck just behind the ear .

However don't let me put you off if this is what you have been prescribed.


I can personally recommend a drug called Avomine which is in tablet form .

You take one tablet the night before the journey . Its used for motion sickness nausea vomiting and vertigo. As this is all to do with the labarynth disorder I also would try not to look out of the windows so your eyes dont get a false inpression, however on these tablets I was able to do all and had no problems what so ever when I had taken these pills .

Sad thing is the first time I didnt know I had a problem with boats I just thought I was feeling ill.

The second I then realised I had a problem, after that, a quick prescription and right as rain on these pills.


What ever your doctor has prescribed I am sure will work , enjoy your holiday .

Merry Christmas to you .



Having quite alot of medical knowledge

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Pat - 2008-12-19 12:28 AM


Well sorry but I think you are all incredibley mean, infact skinflints you are saving money on fuel and road tolls and unbelieveably resent paying for your food and drinks on the ferry!!!!!


Honestly how sad is that? You are literally only saving pennies and if you are that badly strapped for money I feel that you should not really be going to Spain!


You must all be having heart attacks as the pound devalues and becomes closer in value to the Euro!!


Please wake up to the reality of present day living! You are probably in a 20K plus motorhomes and having a miserable time scrimping on what is literally going to cost peanuts(lol) (lol) (lol) How sad :'( :'(


Regards Pat


OK Pat, yes I am a skinflint (my wife who knows these things has told me so!).


But I am also a vegetarian and it is very difficult to know for certain what has contaminated the food in any food outlet.


I have been served so many times with supposed vegetarian food that is not that I now don't bother. For instance, cabbage with bacon bits in, vegetable pie made with beef fat, veggie sausage covered in chicken gravy, and so on.


One other thing, some of us (and I count myself amongst those so blessed) are never more happy than when being "miserable", maybe it's an old man thing, but we all enjoy a get together, regardless of nationality, wherever we camp, and have a good moan. Roll on mid February, off again to meet a few like minded people.



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Pat - 2008-12-19 12:28 AM


Well sorry but I think you are all incredibley mean, infact skinflints you are saving money on fuel and road tolls and unbelieveably resent paying for your food and drinks on the ferry!!!!!


Honestly how sad is that? You are literally only saving pennies and if you are that badly strapped for money I feel that you should not really be going to Spain!


You must all be having heart attacks as the pound devalues and becomes closer in value to the Euro!!


Please wake up to the reality of present day living! You are probably in a 20K plus motorhomes and having a miserable time scrimping on what is literally going to cost peanuts(lol) (lol) (lol) How sad :'( :'(


Regards Pat


I personally think you are being a bit harsh Pat.

We don't have a miserable time in our 20K plus motorhome.

But the reality of it is we are on a fixed income, so we look after the pennies, and what's wrong with that. It's by looking after the pennies that we now have a 20K plus motorhome! and can travel to Spain and France and have a good time.

We did eat on the boat, and we paid nearly £12 each for a crap meal!!

I don't resent eating and drinking on the boat - but on the long crossing you are somewhat a captive audience and if I don't have to pay their prices for a cup of coffee then I won't.

humbug :-D

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I am with Carol on this one we are also on a fixed low income and our only real pleasure is our motorhome and the ability to see some nice places home and abroad before its too late and the only way this is possible is by being carefull with the pennies, some may call us tight I just say we are extreamly carefull but able to enjoy ourselves.
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Pat - 2008-12-19 12:28 AM


Well sorry but I think you are all incredibley mean, infact skinflints you are saving money on fuel and road tolls and unbelieveably resent paying for your food and drinks on the ferry!!!!!


Honestly how sad is that? You are literally only saving pennies and if you are that badly strapped for money I feel that you should not really be going to Spain!


You must all be having heart attacks as the pound devalues and becomes closer in value to the Euro!!


Please wake up to the reality of present day living! You are probably in a 20K plus motorhomes and having a miserable time scrimping on what is literally going to cost peanuts(lol) (lol) (lol) How sad :'( :'(


Regards Pat


I am sorry to see that the 'my way is the only right way' brigade are still alive and kicking!


We all have the right to do things the way we see fit and the way we prefer and the way we enjoy and, whilst it is always good to get advice and new ideas, at the end of the day - and for those who may have missed it before - let me say again -




Thank you!

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Pat - what vehicle have you got? Do you actually have a motorhome at all? This comes across as a bit 'jealous' of those who have motorhomes, maybe I've got it wrong, I do hope so!


You obviously have a strong opinion on the subject, to which you are entitled, but is there any need to call us mean, skinflints etc? You do not know the circumstances of people who have motorhomes and should not judge just because we have them. For some it is a real luxury and they have worked long and hard to get what they have and in order to keep running and using them, they have to make savings somewhere. Not everyone is well off, to the contrary, I think a lot of people with motorhomes are on limited incomes an this is their only real pleasure, if saving £20 or so by not buying loads of food and drink on ferries means they can spend an extra couple of nights away then who are we to complain? It is up to them to do as they see fit. Just because you think you would be miserable not to spend money on ferry food etc doesn't make other people miserable also. If you like to spend on things like this then please do so if it makes you happy.


We are lucky in that we can afford to buy food on ferries but choose not to do so. In our experience it is overpriced and not always that good - who really wants to have to queue with the hoardes for ages to then struggle to find somewhere to sit down and eat it in peace without screaming kids whizzing by? I think you'll find that the food costs quite a bit more than peanuts and, on the Bilboa crossing, you can get through an awful lot of dosh if you have to buy all your meals, drinks etc.


I must admit though that even though I love egg sandwiches I would draw the line at packing them to eat in the cabin which I'm going to spend 24 hours in. 8-) Quite apart from the smell of the eggs, once they are eaten they can have 'unfortunate' consequences and windy conditions may occur ... and I'm not talking about the weather!!! :D :D :D

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my husband worked for p&o for twenty years before he retired ,fresh water is taken on board usually in the home port ,its taken from the local main,so its perfectly drinkable.Try sea bands ,they are little bands that you wear on your wrist ,the stud presses on an acupuncture point,he was only seasick once in twenty years,that was during the hurricane in 1987 he says a few minutes after putting on the bands he felt fine.

regards grumpy carol

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pat, i always take my own food in preference to "eating out", regardless of whether it's on a boat,plane or motorhome, and it's not because i'm mean,far from it, it's more to do with standards.i'm used to eating good wholesome food, carefully prepared and cooked. and so therefore i usually find food eaten out to be sub standard to what i'm used to.so please don't presume that everyone who choses to cater for themselves is mean, we might just be a bit more fussy than you.
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Mel B - 2008-12-19 5:38 PM


Pat - what vehicle have you got? Do you actually have a motorhome at all? This comes across as a bit 'jealous' of those who have motorhomes, maybe I've got it wrong, I do hope so!


You obviously have a strong opinion on the subject, to which you are entitled, but is there any need to call us mean, skinflints etc? You do not know the circumstances of people who have motorhomes and should not judge just because we have them. For some it is a real luxury and they have worked long and hard to get what they have and in order to keep running and using them, they have to make savings somewhere. Not everyone is well off, to the contrary, I think a lot of people with motorhomes are on limited incomes an this is their only real pleasure, if saving £20 or so by not buying loads of food and drink on ferries means they can spend an extra couple of nights away then who are we to complain? It is up to them to do as they see fit. Just because you think you would be miserable not to spend money on ferry food etc doesn't make other people miserable also. If you like to spend on things like this then please do so if it makes you happy.


We are lucky in that we can afford to buy food on ferries but choose not to do so. In our experience it is overpriced and not always that good - who really wants to have to queue with the hoardes for ages to then struggle to find somewhere to sit down and eat it in peace without screaming kids whizzing by? I think you'll find that the food costs quite a bit more than peanuts and, on the Bilboa crossing, you can get through an awful lot of dosh if you have to buy all your meals, drinks etc.


I must admit though that even though I love egg sandwiches I would draw the line at packing them to eat in the cabin which I'm going to spend 24 hours in. 8-) Quite apart from the smell of the eggs, once they are eaten they can have 'unfortunate' consequences and windy conditions may occur ... and I'm not talking about the weather!!! :D :D :D


Hi Mel


As a matter of fact I do have a motorhome and have done so for over 35 years starting with a home converted CF Bedford up to our current 34' RV, so no not jealous at all!!!


I appreciate that some people are on a fixed income and I sympathise with them. I am not at all well off but then again thankfully I am not destitute either!


Yes you are correct about egg sandwiches we were on a LD lines ferry from Newhaven to LeHavre in the summer and went to the bar to pass away the time when although there were plenty of free tables a couple came and sat right by us, after a while they got out a flask and some sandwiches, and yes they were egg and absolutely stank so much so that we had to get up and move!


Getting back to making teas etc in the cabin, I think that there may also be a health and safety issue, as some friends recently came back from America on the QM2 and as they like a fresh cuppa in the mornings were disapointed that there was not tea making facilities in the cabin, on contacting the desk they were told that such equipment was not allowed due to 'Health and safety'! So posibly the same would apply to Ferries?


Yes everyone is entitled to do as they please, and perhaps my comments regarding being mean and skinflints was harsh, but in all honesty I do not think that food on the Bilbao ferry is that bad or grossly over priced, but hey that is just my opinion!


Unfortunately my wife has an inoperable brain tumour so we are living life as best we can and do not wish to put up with the hassle of preparing and carrying food and drinks for the crossing, the whole experience on the ferry we consider to be a part of our holiday!


I am sorry to those who were offended by the comments in my last post. I have met some very mean motorhome/caravan owners over the course of the years the types who bring away all of their rechargable batteries so they can charge them of the EHU and leave electric heaters on all day in their awnings so they make the most of the electricty they have'paid for' etc etc!!


Regards Pat



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Quote:" I must admit though that even though I love egg sandwiches I would draw the line at packing them to eat in the cabin which I'm going to spend 24 hours in. Quite apart from the smell of the eggs, once they are eaten they can have 'unfortunate' consequences and windy conditions may occur ... and I'm not talking about the weather!!! " End Quote


Mel B, I have to say that if mixed with mayonnaise the eggs don't smell to much.


As regards wind, you are quite right, but vegetarians are used to that so a little more is not of much consequence really, that is, not of much consequence for me, for anyone else, "Pardon me" :-)


I am old enough to remember when every cabin reeked of stale cigarette smoke, at least we don't get that now.


I must remember not to eat my sandwiches in the bar next time I use LD lines!



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Hi Pat, so sorry to hear of your wife's condition and I do hope that she has many, many years ahead for you both to be able to enjoy your trips stuffing yourselves silly with ferry food!!!! (lol) ;-)


I already suffer enough from flatulence in the motorhome ... not mine! From my hubby and dogs :$ ... so I certainly wouldn't want to add to it with egg sandwiches of any kind even though egg majo are my second favourites , my first being flaked tuna chunks (squeeze the oil/brine out first), add grated chedder cheese and mix with mayonaise ... lovely!!!. For the figure conscious you can replace the mayo with plain yoghurt and low fat cheese - it's lovely spread on crackers as well!


Now I just have to educate my husband as to why you don't have a meal with cabbage and sprouts at the same time! :D


Sorry .... digressing I know ...

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Many thanks for all of your replies. I have just discovered these as I had been looking on the main notice board! I thought I had no replies!

For the record our van which we have had for 14 years was recently valued at £6,000 by Brownhills. P and O charge a very unreasonable £750 for a 14 foot van on this crossing, and all I wanted was a cup of tea in bed in the morning!!! Unlike some, I do not think this should bisbar me from visiting Spain.

A merry Christmas to most of you!

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