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Diesel prices in Spain


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For those of you worring about the Pound/Euro rate here,s a saving towards the poor exchange rate


Diesel Esso Marbella .83 cent litre about 80p

Diesel Shell Gibralter .657 pence a litre


If you are n Southern Spain it's worth going to Gib to fill up on 80litres you save about £12 over Spanish prices which is about 25p less than UK and a litre bottle of VAT 69 whisky £4. if you smoke 200 cigs kings £11 but only 1 bottle and 200 cigs per person

Prices as at 18.12.08

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Thanks for the information, do you have any more prices of items in general in Spain at the moment, like Beer , a meal out, and general food prices ?as it may help to alleviate the fear of the devaluation of the £




colinfrier - 2008-12-19 9:31 AM


For those of you worring about the Pound/Euro rate here,s a saving towards the poor exchange rate


Diesel Esso Marbella .83 cent litre about 80p

Diesel Shell Gibralter .657 pence a litre


If you are n Southern Spain it's worth going to Gib to fill up on 80litres you save about £12 over Spanish prices which is about 25p less than UK and a litre bottle of VAT 69 whisky £4. if you smoke 200 cigs kings £11 but only 1 bottle and 200 cigs per person

Prices as at 18.12.08

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I think you will find that even at 1to1 pound euro food prices are about the same as UK but I am out of touch a bit with UK prices and to be fair same with food prices here.

Markets offer good fruit and veg at reasonable prices fish is also good value.

Eating out you should be able to get a very good 3 course meal menu del dia from 6 to 10 euros per head some include a drink of your choice for that

Al a carte at our local very nice restaurant 3 course with good wine for 4 say 2/3 bottles about 80 euros so £20 per head better than UK I think.

A drink in a bar, Coffee 1to 1.3 e beer 1.5 e whisky or spirit 3 e but very large measure

Once your here I don't think prices should worry you but be carefull of buying British items in a Brit shop they can be expensive go to Morrisons in Gib or bring it with you.



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Thanks Colinfrier


very helpful, hope to be down your way later in January




colinfrier - 2008-12-19 11:15 AM


I think you will find that even at 1to1 pound euro food prices are about the same as UK but I am out of touch a bit with UK prices and to be fair same with food prices here.

Markets offer good fruit and veg at reasonable prices fish is also good value.

Eating out you should be able to get a very good 3 course meal menu del dia from 6 to 10 euros per head some include a drink of your choice for that

Al a carte at our local very nice restaurant 3 course with good wine for 4 say 2/3 bottles about 80 euros so £20 per head better than UK I think.

A drink in a bar, Coffee 1to 1.3 e beer 1.5 e whisky or spirit 3 e but very large measure

Once your here I don't think prices should worry you but be carefull of buying British items in a Brit shop they can be expensive go to Morrisons in Gib or bring it with you.


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Yesterday I noticed when filling up that fuel prices have fallen quite a bit more again here in the past week or two: Unleaded, 95 octane, is 85.9 cents per litre here at our local garage on the Costa Blanca, and diesel is 87 cents.


Gas bottle refill prices are also starting to fall back too. A refill of an orange butano bottle (the 13 kgs type ones that are all over Spain) is about 12 euros.


On prices in general, the economic crisis is now having an effect, certainly in this region.

Lots of shops have reduced prices, as have lots of restaurants, to get customers in.

Of all the tourists who come to the Costa Blanca region each year, the vast majority are in fact Spanish not foreigners...from Madrid and orther northern cities. Spain is beginning to be hit by the economic probelms now, as a particularly big part of Spanish economy is dependent on the construction, and international tourist industries.


A 3 course "menu-del-dia" meal, with bread, and half a bottle of wine in a cheap (but frankly usually very good) Spanish restaurant would be between about 7 and 10 euros around here.

If going to a Spanish restaurant, don't worry if the decor is pretty basic - the Spanish ain't too worried about that, what they want is lots of good, cheap, food.

If it's got Spanish people in there eating, then my advice would be to try it, rather than the "posh" looking empty restaurant next door.


A 3 course "cheap chinky" meal, including half a bottle of (generally awful!) wine, or a small beer, and including free prawn crackers as appetisers, hot towels, and unlimited shooters of cheapo schnapps after, costs between 3.85 and 8 euros (depending on what main course you choose).


As in most other countries I guess, prices are a lot lower if you go even a few hundred yeards inland from the sea-front restaurants.


For shopping, I'd echo the points already made.

Steer clear of "British" brands; they are very expensive here. They'll almost always always be next door to the equivalent Spanish brands for the same item (often actually made by the same producers, just badged differently).

Also try the supermarket own-brands....generally very good indeed, and a LOT cheaper here.

The prices of fresh foods, fruit, vegetables are cheap, and are coming down further, fast. There was an item of the Spanish news the evening before last where a fruit wholesaler was saying that his wholesale prices are now about 20% lower than at the same time last year.


Fish and seafood prices are very much lower than the UK. Cheap enough that you can buy some "weird" stuff that you would never try back in Britland just to try it. Much of it may surprise you as being superb!


A cheap sparkling wine ("Cava") can be 1.50, a cheap but perfectly decent table wine can be 1.10 a bottle in the supermarket.

International brands of fags: about 2.30 per pack.


Bar prices do vary....again you'll pay a LOT less in a local Spanish bar than is a "posh" seafront wine-bar type place.

In our local bar, a "canya" (small beer) is 80 cents.

A Bailey's is 3 euros, but the measures are absolutely enormous compared to the UK.

One tip: if you're tight, and like drinking shorts, you'll possibly get the best value if you ask for your drink "sin hielo" (without ice)....the barman will generally pour for yet another second or two in that case.


Of course, the sunshine, the warm climate, the blue skies, the clear warm sea in the East and South of Spain, the laid-back lifestyle, the scenery, have neither increased or decreased in price. They're free :-D


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After living in Spain for over 20 years and working for 15 of them we now finding general shoping more expensive than in England. We are here in Lancashire over Christmas and having been to the stores today things are better value over here. Sorry to disagree about this but here many things are on great offers and as they say bogofs (Buy one get one free).


Today we have bought 5 lemons for 39 pence in a supermarket but in Spain last week lemons were 4 for 1 euro and this was in Mercadona. Maybe they are cheaper in the markets but I am quoting supermarket prices. I know this is only one example but we also bought 10 satsumas for 39 pence and a kilo of carrots for the same.


Prices in the restaurants are not so cheap but maybe we live in an expensive area (Benalmadena costa). Today we have been out with some freinds from Spain for a meal. A carvery in Colne Lancashire with three kinds of meat and 7 vegies all very nice for £3.50. a pint of John Smiths at £2.10. We all agreed we could not find value like that in Spain, our local carvery out there is 11 euro and 2.75 euro for a large larger. Even in Lidl in Spain the very same goods as here in Nelson at Lidl are more expensive in Spain with the exchange rate.


With the exchange rate at the moment things are not good in Spain and even the cheap Chinese restaurants were closing early. I know the sun shines but people also want value for money so be very carefull where you spend your hard earned cash. If in doubt ask the pensioners out there as they know the cheapest places.


We know of many people (not us) who would sell up in Spain and head back to England. Problem is not much property is selling.


Having said that we are heading home to Benalmadena in January via France Spain and Portugal hope to arrive in February. So anyone else heading down have a great time but check out the prices.


Have fun Sooty.



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Hi, BGD & Sooty10


Thank you both for your replies, i must admit it is a little concerning at the exchange rate and the price comparisons i really must admit it is giving us serious concern as to whether to say in the UK or not


But thanks to both of you for your honest views on the current situation



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Hi guys nice bit of info. just a sample is good enough, we will do what we usually do as I would expect most of us do and that is stock up with all the usual day to day items our main buys is fruit, salads, bread, milk.

Having a garage model you can load with all the light bulky items and my wife being vegetarian the freezer is ALL mine.

:-D :-D

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Hi Braunston


I would not tell you to stay in the uk because of the euro exchange rate. But just to be carefull and look out for the best deals. follow the local ex pat pensioners they will know the best places. Also if you are taking sterling to change over there be very carefull as some places say no commision and then charge a huge handling charge. As you know you will find fuel much cheaper and also the drink and fags if you smoke or drink.


Once again go for it and have a great time. Overall it is not that much dearer than over here and the sun should be warm.


Have fun Sooty

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