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Fed up with paying for 0870 etc ?

mike 202

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Hi guys just found this site SAYNOTO0870 which gives alternative telephone numbers which start 01/02/03 to 0845/0870 etc.


Now I can use my prepaid 24/7 phone line and inclusive minutes to phone the bank, utilities, adverts etc. Saves a fortune. example the council was 0845 603 5633, alternative 01329 225 398.


Every penny counts - Happy Christmas all



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I have usd this site for some time, essentially as on my mobile phone contract I get free ' Uk landline' and other mobile network calls,but not 0800 Freecalls......they are charged for, as are the 0844/0845 number 'low cost' calls. My understanding of these, is that they are in many cases effectively also 'premium rates', though may cost a bit less than 0870 ones.

The internet site quoted will often find a landline number for these,but so many places, including Doctors surgeries are now using the 0844/5 ones, so if you can get a normal landline, and are on many non-BT contracts the saving can be considerable.


I also tend to find the 0870/0845 and 0800 numbers go into menus, and it can be up to 5 mins before you actually get a 'voice' to answer.......!


The other very irritating thing with most of these is the musak - I think it comes from a submarine 300 milesaway and several miles under the sea......perhaps there'sa sturio in the very centre of the earth, so that wherever you are it always sounds the same......!!

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I think there is an investigation into the use of 08 etc numbers for doctors surgeries etc at the moment so hopefully that will soon stop. I think it is disgusting that people who are ill are having to pay a premium for the priviledge of being able to contact their doctors especially, as is usually the case, you end up in a queue and you daren't hang up because it is so difficult to get through anyway.


I've used the 'saynoto0870' site for ages now (thank you Martin 'money saving expert' Lewis!). It isn't possible to always get an alternative though but a lot of the time you can. I get annoyed at not being able to use my mobile inclusive minutes as well ... I just wish I could use them when I'm abroad to call home ... I know there are ways to do so bit it sounds extremely complicated and I don't think I'd be able to educate my 83 year old Mum somehow!

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Not for nothing am I the alleged king of stinge because, as you would expect from the holder of such an exalted crown, I too have been using the saynoto0870 website for a long while now.


However it is always good to see these things reposted from time to time to let even more good people know how it works and where it is - so very well done and our thanks to Mike for taking the time to tell us all.

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Also worth remembering that these "national" or "local call rate" 08 numbers are revenue sharing numbers meaning your doctors and insurance, gas, electric etc companies get a rake off from your call. So having menus and listening to musak puts even more money in their pockets! 
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And what about the TV phone in's (whilst sitting in the MH)


They are almost self funded by the phone in's, it's the biggest con of all time (whilst siting in the MH. They get nowt from me!



Two years ago our Doctors Surgery installed a phone system with 7 menu numbers. Trouble was they only had one phone and the same person answered all numbers. (Until they got a rocket from me)

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