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MHF site

Guest William

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Guest Derek Uzzell
The website address is www.motorhomefacts.com If you want to access forums, chat rooms, etc. you will need to register yourself. This is a protracted and (in my experience) somewhat glitchy process.
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Guest Will Redfearn, Wirral Motorhome Club
I don't consider registration to be long winded. It has been glitchy of late because certain individuals have been trying to sabotage the site. At least it doesn't get people trying to sell wonder ciures or postings full of gobbledygook. Moderators prevent that type of shenanakins. Try those on spellcheck!!!
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The MHF site is fantastic with a very active forum and a great deal of useful archived material for reference purposes. The site is going subscription from the end of January. If you subscribe before the end of the month the cost will be £5. This represents fantastic value for money. This is just my opinion and I await opposing comments with interest.
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Guest Mike B
I agree with PeteC, it was a fantastic site but in my opinion has gone downhill in recent months, there seems to be less and less about motorhoming and more of the opinions of a few. I used to thouroughly enjoy the site, but have returned to the MMM fold. I will not be paying a fee to stay and listen to the rants.
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Never really got into the site, I had a shuftie a while back but unfortunately didn't like the attitude of some of the regulars - a few seemed to be a bit aloof and condescending - so I dediced to give it a miss.
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Guest Tony Hunt
Its a great forum. Sure a few have refused to pay, thats theyre problem and theyre loss. Looking at the stats while online each night there are still around 90 visitors & members online whenever I look and also around 15 new members a day joining. Thats not a sign of a forum going to the dogs. I get the impression when I come on this forum that there are a few people who threw their toys out of the pram because they were asked to pay who cant wait for it all to go belly up. Its not going to happen guys.
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Guest Mike C
Don't be too sure about MHF continuing. I was one of the ones you accuse of throwing my toys out of the pram, my main reason for not paying is that Nuke the admin assumes that he can profit from others input which has been given freely. Why should anyone pay to give others advice?. I would suggest that Nuke has a look at WWW.moneysavingexpert.co.uk this site has over 50,000 members and no advertisments, how its done I don't know mabe Nuke should ask
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Guest Mike C
I am not sure if this (Mike C)is a genuine name or someone trying to use my name to post "MHF site(10)" and something that I totally disagree with. If it is genuine then perhaps he would be so kind as to post his MHF handle so that readers of this site can determine who he is. Mike C.
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Guest Mike C
Don't get your knickers in a twist. I have always used Mike C as my posting handle on this forum. I do not recall a Mike C posting on MHF and if you did it wasn't very often (just looked and there is a MikeC registered)
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Guest Derek Uzzell
Now you know why I use an unambiguous name. The style of replies (11) and (13) suggests these may come from Mike Chapman and I've always assumed all earlier "Mike C" MMM forum postings came from him. Hopefully the other Mike C has a different surname and, to help us to discriminate between the two of you, it would be really helpful if you could make it plain which is which in future. Otherwise we risk ending up like the Blackadder sketch where everyone is called "Ploppy"!
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Guest Mike Chapman
Hello Derek, Using a full name or any other on this forum does not stop someone also using it either genuinely or as an alias as you can enter anything in the YOUR NAME compulsory entry. As you are probably aware my wife sometimes posts on this forum using her name but on my subscription account. One of the better features of MHF is that you have to register (Subscriber or not) to be able to post entries, do searches etc. Having registered no one else can use that handle without slightly modifying it (eg. MikeC as M1kec) and this can then be identified. In the past on this forum there have been examples of people using other peoples names to make controversial and inflammatory comments hence my request for him to identify himself especially in the current enflamed opinions of For and Against MHF subscriptions. As far as the entries on this thread only entry 11 is mine. I post regularly on MHF using my Registered Handle but always sign off as Mike or Mike and Kay. Happy New Year to you. Regards, Mike Chapman.
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Guest Derek Uzzell
Yes, I fully recognise that this forum is open to abuse via 'name theft'. I'd be intrigued to see if anyone could forge a reasonably long posting under my name sufficiently well to make we wonder whether I'd actually written it. If it were a good one I'd just take credit for it and keep mum. Best wishes for 2006. Regards, Derek
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Guest David Burley
"I would suggest that Nuke has a look at WWW.moneysavingexpert.co.uk this site has over 50,000 members and no advertisments, how its done I don't know mabe Nuke should ask" It is funded apparently by lots and lots of click through links which he gets paid for :) MHF is trundling along nicely, in fact since beginning of the year we are breaking new records of new members, visitors and the like due to a long standing search engine optimisation program that is finally reaping rewards. Subscriptions are building fast and there is a lot of work going on in the background to gain discounts and leverage off the subscribers including gaining discounts at campsites which is one discount scheme that the majority of members will be able to make use of and easily gain back their annual subs costs :)
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Guest Mike Chapman
A database running on hardware and software provided by Dave Burley and maintained in his own time at his own cost. Perhaps you would prefer that he just closed MHF down and put his efforts into doing his own thing. Perhaps you or some of the others would like to take it on? At least Dave Bess has done exactly that, he disagrees with subscriptions so has provided a free forum and I admire him for that and wish him well. If he is very successful and his forum grows to the size of MHF how long will it be before he is asking for donations or trying to attract advertising or heaven forbid having to introduce subscriptions. If his revenue came from advertising he would be in the same position as this Forum having to take account of offending his main advertisers and moderating out criticism (valid or otherwise) of poor service. If you doubt this, post a condemnation of the main advertiser on some of the forums and see how long it is before it gets deleted or try getting a letter in the same vein published in any Motor Home magazine. A large percentage of the postings on MHF are Off-Topic and Jokes and Trivia. Most of the Technical postings on MHF and here are repeats of information published by others such as John Wickersham or obtained from the internet. Please read the terms and conditions of being a member of MHF and copywrite. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Is it not about time that this nonsense stopped and we all got a life. Mike Chapman.
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Guest Christine
Methinks one doth protest too vehemently. Was my understanding about the source of the database of information incorrect then?
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Just a couple of points 1 Mineysaving expert.com is not "full of Paid Links" before makeing these statements you really should check them out first. I sugest that you look under "about"on the website this will give you betterinsight. 2 The labrador forum also run by Nuke does not seem to have any reference to paying does this mean that the motorhomes are paying for the labrador forum
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Guest Mike Chapman
Hello Christine, "Methinks one doth protest too vehemently". Really? Where is the protest? It was an extension, building on your statement, a couple of questions, some observations and my opinion. "Was my understanding about the source of the database of information incorrect then?". No and I specifically did not criticise that point. Once information is posted to the internet unless it is covered by a Copyright it becomes Public Domain and can be used by anyone. Again I say read the Terms and Conditions for MHF. At least on MHF you can delete your information if you so wish. Not so on many other forums. Regards, Mike Chapman
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Guest Mike Chapman
Christine, Because I do not want to see any Motor Caravan site fail especially the largest and most diverse and one that I have supported financially since joining. Your second question is beyond contempt. Mike Chapman.
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Guest Christine
Well dear Mike, eight thousand members at the introductory rate of a fiver is a lot of cash, why not spread it around a bit? Should not all contributors benefit or only just one?
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