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Rear View


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Unless you have someone standing behind the van it is very difficult to judge the overhang to see just how far you can reverse.

To overcome this difficulty I would like to fit at the rear a downward angled mirror of the kind that are sported by some 'people carriers' but I have been unable to find any car accessory shop that stocks them.

Does anyone know where they can be obtained please?


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I may be wrong but the mirrors you have seen will proboly be off 'grey' imports from singapore(?) where it is a requirement to have them fitted.

I haven't looked for any on the market so if they are out there I'll leave to others to redirect you, but I'll give you some alternatives.

1) Reversing camera, any number of suppliers.

2) Frensal(?) lens, I use one at present, can be type that sticks to rear window or hangs off a bracket, can be a little arkward to use.

3) Make your own, I brought a pair of truck 'wide angle' mirrors off a car boot sale, one is on gate post to see up road, second is waiting for new van when I will make up braket to suit.

4) reversing sensor

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Truck and lorry accessory suppliers might be worth a try?


I fitted a wide angle one many years ago and found it better than today's camera and bleepers - but that's just a personal view!

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A mirror is not very good as it is too far away, unless you have a short van. I have a reversing camera and bleepers, (Belt & Braces). The dioptic lenses you can stick on the back window are quite good, had one a couple of vans ago. Bent the line of sight downward quite well, not perfect but better than nought......
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But the dioptic (aka fresnal)(or is it fresnel?) lens can soon go cloudy or slightly opaque.


For tight reversing and turning I still prefer the Mark 1 wife standing by the back window looking out for me!


Its very cost effective and a lot cheaper than new rear lights!

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Tracker - 2008-12-23 3:11 PM


But the dioptic (aka fresnal)(or is it fresnel?) lens can soon go cloudy or slightly opaque.


For tight reversing and turning I still prefer the Mark 1 wife standing by the back window looking out for me!


Its very cost effective and a lot cheaper than new rear lights!




Rich - your wife must be bloody cheap to maintain then!!


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Oh Bruce - if only - if only!


'Wife' and 'cheap to run' are never to be included in the same 'sentence' (careful choice of word there) as they are a contradiction in terms second only in enormity to 'dealer integrity' - but seeing as how I now have a wife it is always better to show her how much I truly need her!

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John.N - 2008-12-23 11:02 AM


Unless you have someone standing behind the van it is very difficult to judge the overhang to see just how far you can reverse.

To overcome this difficulty I would like to fit at the rear a downward angled mirror of the kind that are sported by some 'people carriers' but I have been unable to find any car accessory shop that stocks them.

Does anyone know where they can be obtained please?




Hi John


I think you will find that Toyota do this kind of mirror for their Hiace van.


If you type " Tailgate mounted reversing mirror " into Google you should see the approptiate Toyota website.


I've seen Toyota vans with these fitted.




p.s. I 've had a fresnel screen on my rear window for about 5 years and it hasn't clouded yet, but of course these don't do the job that you require.



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Many thanks to you all and best wishes for a very merry Christmas.

I'm a cheapskate (Scrooge?) so a camera and sensors are out. I have a lens fitted which is very useful for detecting small cars which are tailgating my high van but isn't very good at telling me when the cycle rack is within three inches of colliding with a wall or fence. I'll try Toyota for their accessories but if I can find a truck mirror from a breakers yard I might see if I can cobble one up myself.

The number one wife is not always around and sometimes can be temperamental!

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rupert123 - 2008-12-23 8:32 PM


Tracker - 2008-12-23 5:24 PM


rupert123 - 2008-12-23 5:22 PM

reverseing mirrow


Is that the Japanese spelling Henry?


No Welsh.


Can't be welsh because


A] it's understandable by normal people - just


B] it's pronounceable - just


C] it does not contain any of 'y' 'yy' 'd' 'dd' 'f' 'ff'


D] it contains vowels

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Ranger - 2008-12-23 8:53 PM


Welsh is "DRYCH" ....................Y = U


So are you the one that watches S4C then Dai bach because I've yet to meet anyone in Wales that will admit to doing that!

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What do you watch tracker? Pobl-y-Cwm? "Nadolig llawen a blwyddyn newydd dda", ............and to our friends in foreign parts that means 'Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year'. Nothing to do with rear view mirrors....

P.S. The dear wife usually means the expensive wife, which can cost a lot more than a reversing camera. Nos da, and good night from her.

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