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To Wave or Not To Wave


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thats taking it to the limit aint it ? I dont think that the average bobby has time to do anything about waving ...what a load of nonsence suppose someone is gonna tell us all that they know a friend who has a friend that got 3 points whilst waving ...
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If you meet a stranger while out walking, and they wish you a good day, do you ignore them, or return the greeting?  So, if someone waves to you while driving, why not wave back?  Is it not just a similar form of greeting?  Is ignoring it not a bit churlish and rude?  Are we not just discussing (very) basic good manners?  What did your Mummys and Daddies teach you all those years ago?  :-)
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handyman - 2009-01-01 10:27 AM


could you get 3 points and a fine for waving? i presume you could, therefore all you nice olds that like reading the daily mail, should hang your head in shame (lol)


This is like saying could you get 3 points and a fine for smoking when driving! How many times would your hand go to your mouth - let alone eyes screw up with the smoke and - worst of all - opening the window and concentrating on chucking the burning butt out of the window??????


At least a wave and a smile brings pleasure to the recipient (in most cases ;-) )


Does it matter what paper us "olds" read and if you have been campig since the 60's , thaat's nearly 50 years ago...... >:-)

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handyman - 2009-01-02 7:24 PM


I'm amazed how this blatant law breaking (however nice) can be supported on this website *-)



I will be shacking my head at you as I speed past at 85 :-D


Firstly, I don't in any way break the law (even if there was one for this) as when I wave I still have the majority of that hand still aroung the wheel - I certainly don't take it off and wave like a lunatic!


Secondly, I challenged you before on where you drive at 85mph (at least I think it was you!), legally that is, but have yet to see your answer. Wherever it is (unless just in your imagination) I think that would (or should) earn more than three points (don't know as fortunately I have no experience of the points system - fingers crossed!) as it sounds extremely dangerous. Somebody on here would be able to tell you how long it would take you to stop if you applied the brakes at that speed.


Also I am not sure what "shacking your head" is (?) (?)

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Wave, definitely.

Funniest thing we've seen so far was in the south of france last September. A motorhome passed us fom the opposite direction near a roundabout, and as they approached the driver turned his wipers on. Both wiper arms had hands attached to them, which obviously wave across the screen. Had us in stitches. Not seen them in the shops over here yet though.

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waving whilst looking at another van.......no another vans passengers........is dangerous, and against the law.



As i said in another thread that was deleted, I travel at 75-85, and this is obviously in nice dry driving conditions. I also stated that it was normally done in france in a van under 3.5 ton.


Its doesnt actually matter if its against the law, in the same way it doesnt matter if you wave like a 'nice person'.


In the same way others pick and choose whats 'safe', I will do the same.

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85 mph is more than 137 kph - the maximum allowed in France on motorways is good dry conditions is 130 kph! Still its is obviously alright for you to break the law: I just hope that you don't hit a bad piece of road at that speed and that no-one else is near you. The word arrogant springs to mind.
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If it's safe to wave, we wave. On site we try to be as polite, cheerfull and helpfull as is appropriate in any given situation. There is so much misery, doom and gloom in the world, we feel the least we can do is be jolly and friendly when we are, after all, taking part in what we claim to be a magical and fun hobby, i.e. motorhoming.





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I cant remember where i read it but it was on a sat nav info page.

It stated that the satnav speed display could be out by about 3-5 mph due to the length of distance the signal travels and the actual speed you are travelling at.


As for waving no one ever waves at us neither caravan nor motorhome. Plenty take a good look though, must be because we are a 5ver

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What's all this about breaking the law?


Apart from using a mobile phone, I don't think the law specifically bans any odd behaviour in a vehicle. What it does ban, quite rightly, is anything that may cause the driver to not be in full and safe control of the vehicle, or anything that could cause problems for others.


So, as long as you do so safely, you can smoke, mess with your radio or even wave! You are very unlikely to be fined for waving - unless it causes you to lose safe control of your vehicle. If you had or caused an accident and someone saw you waving (or smoking etc) immediately before, you're in trouble.


Therefore, don't crash into the 'van you're waving at!


And yes, I'm a waver (when safe), and find it just a bit of friendly fun. :-D

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Usinmyknaus - 2009-01-02 8:34 PM

There is so much misery, doom and gloom in the world, we feel the least we can do is be jolly and friendly when we are, after all, taking part in what we claim to be a magical and fun hobby, i.e. motorhoming.





I agree totally with Bob


Wave when safe, smile and most of the world will smile with you, try it, it can be catching.


Of course there are always exceptions and you could really strain the old chuckle muscles in order to get some people to smile.


I sometimes feel quite bad when my wife informs me that a van has just waved and I was miles away just doing my driving duties.


To wave or not to wave, each to their own :-)

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