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HI ,Can anyone help what is the law u.k.I have peugeot boxer wayfarer 5 berth motorhome ,only 4 seatbelts do i need to fit an extra belts when taking 5/6 persons away for my first trip this year,I'm only into my second year of motorhoming ,and would be grateful for any feed back,thanks in advance .eclipse :-(
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Welcome to the forum, eclipse.


I'm going to refer you first to a couple of earlier forum-threads about motorhome seat-belts:






I suspect the answer is that, as long as all 'children' on board your motorhome are securely seated in the belted-seats that were factory-fitted to your motorhome, then you will be legally OK even though there may be a couple of adults travelling in rear seats that have no belts.


Retro-fitting effective seat-belts to motorhomes is unlikely to be straightforward and you may have trouble finding anyone prepared to do it for you because of potential legal implications in the event of a subsequent accident.


Best thing, I believe, would be to seek advice from the Police and also to have a word with your insurance company. You might also try the Caravan Club (if you are a member) as they may well have a facts-sheet about this.

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Hi ,Derek,thanks very much for your quick reply,and links you gave me.As sudgested I will get in touch with the police and the caravan club just to be on the safe side and I will update this thread in the near future ,thanks again for your help.eclipse ;-) ;-)
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Hi eclipse and welcome!


You'd also better have a word with your insurance company - as your 'van officially has 4 belted seats you might find that this is the total number of people who you are insured to carry at any time - when we've insured our vans we are usually asked how many belted seats there are. Unfortunately just because a van can sleep 5/6 doesn't mean it can transport the same number.

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Doesnt matter what the Law says :-S anyone travelling in the back of your van without a seat belt is in Mortal danger, I was thrown when just moving 300 yards at 15 to 20 mls per hour!we had to do an emergency stop because of a dog I would be terrified if I had to travel on the Motorway or anywhere at a normal speed! I thought I had cracked my scull.
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That's a point I hadn't thought of ,I have 2 forward facing seatbelted seats and 2 rear facing seat unbelted in the dinette ,I was hoping to lrt my sons friend use one of the unbelted seats, but the payload that you brought to my attention has made up my mind, I will only be travelling 4 passengers max.Thanks very much for this valuable piece of information. I think i'll be safe than sorry.NEW TO M/H ,and it's great there is people out there willing to offer help thanks agaiin,eclipse :$ :$
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My Rimor Superbrig 677, 6 berth, had front dinette with rear-facing lap-only belts; the subframe for these mirrored the full belts of the forward facing seats opposite. I utilised the skill and expertise of a local kit-car manufacturer and his experienced fabricator to SVA standards, to weld together a suitable super-structure capable of taking 3 point belts. This provided not only more usable seats for carrying young children in child travel seats but, also, strengthened the flimsy panel between driver [ left hooker ] and the rear compartment, whilst also enabling proper head restraints to be fitted

Copy of undertaking was submitted to premier motor-caravanning magazine, but no response to date.

The weight issue is a niggle but I had already had my 'van up-graded to 3950Kgs and this was no problem as it is on Transit RWD chassis 8-)

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