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Ice on the solar panel


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I would assume a covering of ice particles on the solar panel (as on a windscreen) prevents direct light from entering the cell system therefore reducing electrical activity ?


Or ............. does the ice covering actually ATTRACT more light due to its branch-like tentacles and sparkling appearance ABOVE the flat surface ?


And ......... possibly mean that light can be collected from a 'side' angle similar to a direct 'square on' attitude ?

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From my own measurements of the solar panel on our 'van, anything on the surface of the panel reduces the output. Even cleaning off a light layer of dust with a damp cloth improved the output (only by 100 m/a).


I can see your logic in hoping that a layer of crystals could act like a series of prisms and increase the collecting area and it does seem theoretically possible. However, as stated above, I have only ever seen the output go down, not up.


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Guest Tracker
Dunno about a solar panel as we don't use 'em, but frost on the outside of the windows makes it darker inside of the van and on that basis I would maybe expect it to reduce solar panel effectiveness?
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I agree with Tracker that frost will cut down the available light to the solar.


I did read an article about a year ago re an American company who had invented a screen for a solar panel which was laser etched to behave like millions of prisms and therefore concentrat more light onto the panel. This meant that you could have a higher output from a smaller panel.


I wonder if it will ever get on the market?

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