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Water Ingress


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Sliding Type Large Picture Side Windows on Autosleepers.

On my early Talisman I had water leaks on both sides,which soaked our clothes stored in the underbed storage lockers ( the mrs. was NOT impressed). This 'Wet Trough' system relies on the water collecting in the two 3/4" grooves at the bottom of the windows draining away OUTSIDE the van through the slots/drainage holes at ends of the Window frame, if they get blocked at either end, (mine got blocked with the stupid 'brush' draught excluders rotting and bits dropping into the 'Trough'). the water 'backs up' and overflows INTO the van. It SHOULD have been stopped by the 1. 1/2" Plastic Upstand which SHOULD have been glued into a slot in the window frame (inside the van) meaning that the water would have to be 1. 1/2" deep before it overflowed (a LOT of water) But ours wasn't, so the water leaked after even a modest rainstorm.

SO, I Reglued the upstand into it's slot, using Black Silicone along it's whole length, Both sliding windows,both sides of the van. Replaced the Plastic inserts that the windows slide on (still available from Autosleepers,but a bit 'pricey') , replaced the 'tatty' moth-eaten brush draught excluders(not now available) with 'Marine Grade' foam strips from Screwfix, and Thoroughly cleaned out both widow frame 'troughs'.

And since then (fingers firmly crossed) no more leaks.

Sorry no pictures to show, but the van is 'Tucked up for the winter' under her winter cover. Any questions, i'll try to answer. :D :D

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You seem to have worked your way through your promlem so how would you like a go at mine. Autosleeper built for Marquise model sussex on p/van 53reg.

Water drips from behind and above windscreen and falls on to radio and wheel, body shop has injected high grade silicon on advice from Autosleeper three times. Auto glass says windscreen not the problem.

Park it on drive facing down and it drips when you move off, but not when going along even in heavy rain, park it on drive in heavy rain facing up, no drips, so water ingress somewhere but every orifice filled. ? where is it getting in. all helpfull advice Gratefully Accepted. TS

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Don't have any experience with the Sussex P/van, but from what you describe I'd be looking at the Roof vent, or any other holes in the roof, panel vans are usually pretty watertight until converters start drilling holes in them. And I don't want to sound patronising, but water nearly always flows Downwards (apart from capillory action !!) so look high and away from where it drips to any likely source of a leak. Sorry i can't be any more help. Good luck ! *-)
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Cheers worth a look, although the body shop did re silicone the Ariel mounting on the slopping front,and the other Sussex we met in Nov leaked around the Heiki but you could see the stain on the ceiling, Auto sleepers should patent the patterns stains make, they could make a fortune. Kind Regards TS
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Suggest you ask about this via the Auto-Sleepers forum section on the MotorHomeFacts website (www.motorhomefacts.com). The ASOC may also be able to help (www.asoc.fsnet.co.uk).


That the water drips when the vehicle is parked facing downhill - but not while travelling or parked facing uphill - suggests that it may be entering at the rear of a roof-light then running forwards along the inside of the roof. Have you tried parking your motorhome facing downhill and then using a hose to dowse the roof and front of the vehicle with water to see if you can provoke the dripping?


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  • 1 month later...

It would seem the mystery has now been solved there is a crack behind the front end fixing of the roller blind allowing so I am told the water to enter untill the wooden fixing batton swells and cuts of the access.

So it now remains for fixing to be removed repaired and tested. Watch this space. TS

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Two years ago we bought a seven year old Auto-Sleeper Legend from Highbridge Caravans and during a Lke District holiday found that it was leaking through the roof. We returned it to the dealer for repair but the leak returned after the next rainy period. Back it went, three times in all before it appeard to be cured last spring. However before Christmas I found to my dismay that it was as bad as ever. I decided that the only permanent solution was to return it to the manufacturer. They discovered a tiny pinhole in the GRP roof near a joint with the curved moulding at the side and another at the rooflight mounting which had not been noticed by the dealers. They repaired them and now I hope that it is the end of the problem. The mechanic said that this type of fault in GRP mouldings did occur from time to time and is difficult to detect. They had to remove the overhead lockers on the offside and the headlining.

I must say that I had excellent service from both Highbridge Caravans and Auto-Sleepers. The former must have had a sizeable hole in their proffits as all the work was done at no charge under guarantee. I had to pay Auto-Sleepers the best part of a day's labour (which cost an arm and a leg!) but I am confident that he van will now stand up to the worst that the elements can throw at it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I have not responded To all the suggestions and advice. But I have been experienceing Problems with my laptop and as I was in Spain I left things untill I got back to the UK.

The situation so far is that I have taped up all the vents on the fridge. Taped around the windows

Put a cover over the top of the van.

And we sill find that the storage under the seat by the gas bottle storage is geting wet up to the level of the undeside of the seat.

At the moment I have had to leave the van in Spain for the next 5 weeks so I am hopping it does not rain, or I will be going back to a very damp camper.

Thanks again fot all the helpfull advice.



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