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Effect of Warmth on Batteries

Guest Bill

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I am aware that batteries function better when warm, worse when cold, so I tried an experiment: I put my mobile phone and cordless razor on top of the central heating to see what difference, if any, it would make to their (rather tired) batteries. The result was spectacular. Given that leisure batteries use a different technology than those used in phones and razors, would heat help there too? Would it be worth arranging for the hot air from the heater to enter the living space via the battery compartment – or to provide a separate small heater for the battery?
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Lead acid batteries do have an optimum working temperature but the results are not as spectacular as with NiCad or NiMh for example. To put things in perspective, Battery electric Fork Lift Trucks do operate in Cold stores at minus 30 degrees C. Some of the taller trucks never come out of the Cold Store. However the batteries are changed once a day and charged in an ambient environment. The heating caused by the discharge current when in use, heating caused by the charging current when on charge and warming effect of the ambient charging environment where the chargers are is considered sufficient. No external heating is applied nor insulation fitted around the batteries. Walls cold store in Gloucester is just one of many example of this. Also I would advise against anything that takes the gasses expelled from the leisure battery on charge and actively encourages them to enter the living environment. Most leisure batteries in motorhomes live inside the polystyrene insulated shell anyway so they should not be as cold as outside. Lastly your other batteries for shaver Laptop etc are normally stored where you are living. And you don't get cold do you? Have a look at www.batteryuniversity.com/ as most of the date her is about right if you want more information. Happy new year
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We used to put our cycle lamp batteries in the warming oven to bring them back to life (just after the Ark had docked) It certainly gave them some extra life However TAKE CARE An article somewhere? About rechaegeable batteries exploding when on charge It transpired that the person had COVERED them up with clothing or similar - so the heat created could not disperse - the cells overheated - Hey Presto BANG Do not leave them exposed to hot sun /fires
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