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Kevin Diamond

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I'm tempted to think this is a symptom of age as I believe an Electrolux RM4270 will be about 10 years old by now.


You don't say whether the poor cooling is when the fridge is running on gas, 12V or 230V. If it won't cool satisfactorily on any of the 3 'fuel sources' then the problem may be related to the basic cooling system - perhaps coolant has leaked out. If it won't cool while running on gas, then the gas-burner assembly and chimney may need a good clean. When was the fridge last serviced?


Presumably your fridge used to cool OK when the weather was hot and this problem is a recent development?

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Yes, the small fan "kit" is actually available from Dometic. But any small 12 volt computer fan attached the the back of the top grille will make a difference.


Unless the fridge actually leaks out its active ingredients there is little inside to go wrong other than the heating bits whichcause it to cool.


If its OK on mains electricity then the basic bits are OK.


Have you by any chance changed from Butane to Propane and still use the same regulator??


Has the flue and burner been cleaned recently




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Hi there

We had problems with our old fridge in our old caravan and found that it was far more efficient when run on gas, especially in the day when it was very hot and then we went back to electric at night when it wasn't being opened as much and it was cooler - also we always try to park with the fridge vents in the shade if possible - hope this helps

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