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Our shortest winter tour yet!

Don Madge

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It lasted eight days and we got as far as Pescara in Southern Italy when we had to abandon and return home as I had a reoccurrence of my neck spasms. Maureen did think about taking on the driving but as she does all the other tasks in the van we decided against it.


The weather was extremely cold and was below freezing most of the time. Yesterday (Tuesday) at noon it was minus 7C at Brussels. For the last four days we had no windscreen washer as every thing was frozen solid.


We plan to spend the winter at home and hopefully get my neck sorted but I don't hold out much hope at my age.


If anybody is visiting the NEC I plan to be on the Vicarious Books stand for the week so come and have a chat.


Some observations on the trip that might be of interest to some.


We refuelled at the Aire de Capellon (south bound) in Luxembourg Diesel 78 Euro cents and LPG was 37 Euro cents. LPG pumps had two types of filler, Bayonet and Acme.


We stayed on the Stellplatz in Trier. Euro 6 per night. Metered (coin operated) electricity available.


We used the A1 + A14 Autostradas in Italy and some service stations are selling LPG and many have motorhome dump stations. The ones we checked had barriers which were coin operated and we did see a few that appeared to be free. We were surprised by the vast amount of Italian motorhomes on the road I always had them down as warm weather campers.


Diesel on the Autostradas was €1.03 per litre and LPG was in the region of 70 Euro cents.


Diesel on the Autobahn (Germany) was about €1.05


Diesel on the Autoroutes (France) was about €1.07 but we did refuel at an Intermarche for 93 Euro cents a litre.


Safe travelling



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Hi Don,

Our paths have never crossed but your input to these pages has been apreciated.

Reading between the lines I calculated a year back you could be 75 so you have had a good run at foreign countries and as the pound is so poor at present you may feel fitter latter in the year when it like you has recovered.

bob M

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Tough luck Don and Maureen - it must be pretty galling to have to do that round trip in vain and I guess the only consolation is that it's been flippin cold here too!


Best wishes for an early recovery as we too very much appreciate your informative postings.


We won't be at the NEC but as one of Vicarious's regular customers (funny customer some say?) we hope to meet one day - preferably somewhere warm (no I don't mean in the company of lucifer!).


Rich & Dot.

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Sorry to hear about your neck, Don. I can sympathise as I am having similar problems after a spinal injury. The infuriating thing is, you just cannot tell if/when it is about to go!


Hope things improve - i take it you have had it checked? Try a chiro as well as a doctor. What the doctor told me would have left me paralysed!


Hope you are back on the road soon!

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Sorry to hear you've not been well and we both wish you a speedy recovery. I was looking forward to your report on Turkey almost as much I guess as you were both on getting there and doing it.


Anyhow your health is much more important and hope to read something of your trip and the aborted plan when you are feeling better.


Good luck and a happy new year.

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Sorry to hear that your trip was ruined Don I know I would of been very upset .Its very handy that your wife can drive an atleast you know that you have another driver .

Don asking out of noseyness you say spasm do you mean like Tortecollis ?

Or something to do with the spinal cords wearing away .

I ask because I suffer also and you just never know when it will happen and its agony sometimes I can't even get my head from the pillow my neck is so stuck . Finding myself asking to be pulled out of bed a chair never felt so silly in my life ,have even been known to crawl on my hands and knees find a wall and crawl up the wall to get straight and away from the pain.


I dont know if I am interfering but Diazepam helps because it relaxes the muscles my Dr said it was years of driving the Buses with your neck constantly twisting to check the mirrors .


Hope you feel better soon.

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