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Replacement sink cover


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Was in the process of battening down the hatches in my Burstner Delphin T695 prior to setting off on Boxing Day when a jar of peanut butter fell from a cupboard above the sink, completely shattering the melamine sink cover as a result. This is the second time misfortune has befallen it, however this time there are too many broken pieces to get busy with the superglue, so I've been seeking out a replacement. Burstner have already quoted me an absurd £78, but seeing as the original seemed impractically brittle, I'd be loath to shell out more than half that much - has anyone any pointers to third party suppliers?? Measurements are 38.5cms diameter & 5mm thick...ta muchly!
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I made one for my sink from plywood. I found that if it was cut oversize, half the ply could be cut away fairly easily round the edge to form a lip to stop it slipping off. A dollop of varnish and hey presto. 2 brownie points from herself.



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All of these loose fitting sink covers are potentially very dangerous in the event of really violent braking and even more so in the event of a collision when they will continue their forward momentum at just a little less that the velocity at which the collision took place - but only until they hit something soft and easily damaged by a high velocity flying saucer - like the driver or passenger!


Apart from that they are a pain to store when the kitchen is in use and they are not man enough to be used as a chopping board without causing unsightly damage to them - so we leave ours at home and carry chopping boards securely fixed in a cupboard!

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