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Trumatic space heater - getting cover off


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Hi. I'm having trouble removing the front cover of my Trumatic heater model S3002. Nice simple heater; remove the cover and hoover out the collection of dog hairs I thought. :'(


The instructions say "Pull the front case forward at the top, lift up the retaining springs and fold out case forwards."


But - I've pulled, lifted poked inside and sworn, all as hard as I dare, but am no nearer. I've removed a screw inside the front at the top, but still the thing won't budge.


Can anyone tell me the real way to do this before I yank the whole fire off the woodwork?


Thanks :-D

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What motorhome do you have? Some converters put a screw or two in the top of the front cover to compensate for the fact that the fire surround is not fitted properly. Get down on your hands and knees and with a torch have a look into the uppermost slot of the outlet vent for any (otherwise) hidden screws.



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Hi Dave.


It's an Eldiss van and you're right, there was a screw at the top inside. I've removed this but the cover still won't budge. It has very little movement no matter how I pull it about.


I can't work out whether I should just be heaving harder at the thing or if there is some technique I've missed. :$

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Thanks Dave.


Success at last.


I found no more screws, but trusting what you said, I put my feet against the woodwork, closed my eyes and pulled for England.


How the complete heater didn't come off the wall I don't know, but the cover's now off! I'm amazed how tight it was, and am amused that they thought an extra screw was needed to hold it on! I've put a slight touch of grease on the springs and now it comes off a whole lot easier.


Thanks again :-D

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