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Guest bill h

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Guest bill h
This site is not keeping to its rules. The original message said "if not used within **** hours it will be cancelled" That is not so. I've waited longer but it will not allow me access with a new setup. bill h
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Billh - don't know what you mean. Can't suggest more than Derek - send a message to the admin. Thousands of people have managed to get on the site. And PeteC the subscriptions haven't started yet. There must be alot of people whose faces fit - over 8000. Why don't you come clean and say what your problem is, rather than casting snide remarks
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Guest bill h
So far. Did all the usual entry info then decided some of it was the same as my security info so decided to change the entry details. The info I first read said "if not used in the first 72 hrs (or similar words) it would be cancelled. So far I have not been able to return with a new 'set up' info. That's all folks. Perhaps I was too quick to see what they offered on the site. I shall leave it a week bill h
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Guest Tony Hunt
Youve obviously cocked up the registration process bill. Why not try registering with a different username say billh1 or something. Far from everyone deserting the sinking ship as one or two will have you believe the MHF forums membership is still growing at the rate of roughly 15 a day. You only have to look at the stats of an evening at anytime to see 90 - 100 people actually on the forum. Even at 8-00 am this morning I noticed almost 50 online. We all must be very sad but they wouldnt visit if it were crap would they.
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Guest David Burley
Thanks for standing up for MHF Tony I'm unsure what problem you have with registering with us Bill, but go to MHF Website and click on the Contact Us link on the left hand side and send me an email via it and i will look into it. I have been swamping with emails since we implemented the forthcoming subscriptions so it may take me a few days to work my way down my inbox to it
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Guest Tony Hunt
Thats ok dave. Helping to run another hobby related forum I know what you go through to run a successful forum like MHF for everybody to enjoy. I have no time for the stuck up know it all attitude that a few of the old regulars of your forum have been showing since you had to bring in the subscription charges. I say good riddance to them. Theyre the only losers.
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Guest Mike Moss
Live and let live is my motto, so the more MH forums (forae?) the better so far as I'm concerned. As a recent convertee from caravans, I'm hungry for all the information I can get about motorhomes and have found the MHF site absolutely invaluable. Which is why I'm happy to subscribe - running such a large site obviously takes time, effort and resources and why should one person shoulder all that responsbility for time and expense? So far as I can see, the downfall of any forum is where personalities clash - and nowhere is this more likely to happen than in the dreaded 'chat about anything' section. Which is why I always ignore those and shall continue to do so. Best wishes to all.
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