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autocruise wentworth gross weight


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I am trying to determine the actual gross weight of a Autocrusie Wentworth 54 reg. One that is offerred for sale privately shows a gross weight on the plate of 3400kgs but in an old 2005 issuie of MMM read in the barbers shop the gross weight of the wentworth is given as 3700kgs. Judging by the size and layout of the of the one for sale with a 2.8 engine that seems more realistic. Question is who is right and how do i find out for sure (?) (?)
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An Autocruise brochure from about 2004 shows


MTPLM as 4150kg, MVWRO(aka MIRO) as 3155, and Payload as 995kg


However the Marquis version from the same era shows


MTPLM as 3700kg, MVWRO(aka MIRO) as 3155, and Payload as 595kg


Which suggests that the Autocruise may have a greater uprate to it's chassis than the Marquis version.


The only sure way is to prepare it for MVWRO or MIRO (same thing), which is full of fuel, oil, coolant, tools, spare wheel and driver only and take it to a weighbridge.


Then do it all again when fully laden with full fresh water and loo rinse tank and all the kit and clothing of full of holiday depart mode.


Only then will you know what you have and/or need and how it relates to the theoretical weights and payload.

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Richard, with the greatest of respect I suggest you re-read the OP. It is clearly mentioned that the vehicle's VIN plate states 3400KG as the MTPLM, a visit to the weighbridge will not make a blind bit of difference to this. Unless there is a secondary weight plate showing an upgrade then this is the vehicle's Maximum Technically Permitted Laden Weight. From memory the Wentworth is a large 'van and I'm very surprised it has a 3400 KG MTPLM, I would have expected it to be built on the Maxi chassis (3500KGs MTPLM) but I beleive it should have an Al Ko chassis anyway and there should be an Al Ko weight plate giving the upgraded MTPLM.



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Thanks Dave - I did read the OP and all I did was quote what the official makers undated brochures state that the weights are intended to be in around 2004/5 when I received them and at no point did I offer an opinion on that specific van's weight.


No doubt the owner will investigate but in my experience finding out what you have and what you need are the first steps to finding out whether a replating exercise may be needed or not - or whether it will suffice as is?


I forgot to add - I wonder whether the V5 has any weights on it?


Manufacturers do also have a habit of changing specifications without telling anyone - least of all the customer!


I maintain that two visit to a weighbridge will establish what the weights are and from that what weights are needed and whether they are attainable and even if the van is within limits it is always sensible to know that just in case Mr Plod or Les Gendarmes stop you and weigh one!


Theory is fine in theory but in practise practical matters matter most!


I also forgot to add that there should be an Alko chassis plated weight plate as well and on my Starlet it is next to the Peugeot one under the bonnet and this should show the uprated weights.

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I have copies of Which Motorcaravan from January 2002 and March 2005. The former gives Wentworth's MTPLM as 3400kg (Peugeot Boxer 320L chassis- 2-5 litre motor) and the latter as 3700kg (Peugeot Boxer LWB chassis - 2.8 litre motor).


Even though Wentworth was a fairly large motorhome and one might reasonably expect its MPTLM to be above 3400kg, I'd be very wary of assuming that the VIN-plate datum is wrong for the vehicle being offered for sale.


If I had to take an educated guess at 'rightness' or 'wrongness', if the vehicle for sale is registered in the Private/Light Goods class and has 15" wheels then the 3400kg figure is probably correct: if its wheels are 16" then it's probably built on a Maxi chassis and 3700kg would be a realistic possibility.


A Peugeot agent, if provided with the vehicle's VIN-number, should be able to confirm the MTPLM.




I'm surprised by the 4150kg MTPLM/995kg payload you've found in an 2004-ish Autocruise brochure as I've never come across any 2-axle Fiat/Peugeot chassis that had an MTPLM above 4000kg.


However, I notice that Wentworth 4150/995 figures are quoted in a March 2006 copy of Which Motorcaravan, presumably taken from official Autocruise literature. The 4150kg MTPLM seems to be unique to Autocruise and the 03/06 copy of WM lists a few other Autocruise designs (plus their Pioneer-branded twins) as having this maximum limit. Bit strange that!


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Whatever may be the arguments about the underlying chassis capacity, if the vehicle plate says 3,400Kg, legally, that's it.

All you can realistically hope to discover, is whether the vehicle might have been plated down from a higher figure at some time.  However, this would usually be for driving license purposes.  As the relevant limit is 3,500Kg, it would seem strange to voluntarily lose another 100Kg for no good reason.  Therefore, I'm inclined to doubt that the vehicle has been plated down.  3,400Kg is consistent with the type and generation of the underpinning Boxer chassis, so it seems highly likely this is the genuine vehicle weight.

However, for certainty, why not do as Derek suggests and make a note of the VIN and go to a Peugeot commercial garage and see what they can tell you?  I'm afraid I wouldn't expect miracles, though.

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My 2006 Autocruise brochure says that for 2006 Wentworth has a "heavy duty chassis providing a dramatic increase in the maximum user payload."


The chassis gvw is 4150kg. giving a maximum user payload of 995kg.


I have a 2006 Starblazer with the same chassis and weights. This upgrade is achieved by fitting KUHN air suspension to the original 3500kg chassis.


I don't know anything about previous year's Wentworth's weights.


The Wentworth does not have an Alko chassis. My Starblazer does have an Alko chassis extension but it is a couple of feet longer than the Wentworth which may not have.



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Thanks for all the expert and usefull advice I'm still very wary particularly as I'm well over 70 and have to watch DVLA weight limitations. On the principle of 'Buyer Beware' I'm giving this one a miss. I have made my conserns known to the seller and suggested a weighbride test varify actual weights, as suggested. Again many thanks to you all *-) *-)
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