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Draughty windows

Mel B

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Since we had new windows put in our Rimor last year (when they were broken by vandals whilst on holiday), I've noticed that the dinette sliding window is draughty between the 2 pieces of 'glass', ie the centre bit. The old window wasn't like this but the new one really does seem to let a lot of air though.


Does anyone else have this problem? I'm not sure whether we should 'complain' - ie is the window faulty? Or if we will have to live with it and try to sort out some sort of draught proofing that won't preven the window being opened when necessary.

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I agree with Dave but has it been colder and/or windier than last winter where you are to a sufficient degree to give the impression of inferior draught proofing and are you happy that you are fairly comparing like with like performance Mel?


That said we have had sliding dinette windows in two Autocruise vans and neither have let any appreciable airflow in even in a full gale.

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Thanks guys.


Dave - I was thining along those lines too.


Richard - yes it is definitely a lot draughtier, when we went out for the day on 2 January in it, I could feel a real 'gale' blowing in through the window and it makes a noise too. We never had this with the other window at all, no matter how breezy it was outside.


Brian - I wondered if there was something not quite set-up right or missing too but can't remember exactly what the other window was like as I'm not in the habit of 'studying' them in great depth normally and haven't had the opportunity to see one anywhere to do a comparison.


I'll get hubby to ring them and see if they'll have a shuftie at it.

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As Brian rightly said, the should be a wipe seal, running along the inner or stationary windows height, in the middle. It should wrap around the edge of the glass, with a furry side touching the outer window (sliding) to fill the gap. If you just have a glass edge it is probably missing. If it is there, make sure it is on firmly, and hasn't become dislodged, which is possible if it has been disturbed recently.


Other than that, it may have gone missing with the old window, and the repairer failed to notice it missing on the replacement. You never know!

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