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Holland/ Dutch Bulb fields


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Hi Redpen and welcome to the forum.


We went to Holland last year - there are now some official aires there, they started up last year, and we made use of a few of them as well as doing some wild camping.


Unfortunately our motorhome got attacked during the early hours on a Sunday morning when youths threw bricks at it! However, apparently this is a known phenomenon for early Sunday mornings so if you do use aires, I'd suggest that on Saturday nights you definitely use a campsite!


I did post something about these 'Dutch aires' but unfortunately the search facility is playing up so I can't find it at the moment.

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My hubby has managed to find the links on the web for you, these site show some of the overnight 'aires', or 'camperplaatsen' as they are called in the Netherlands:




When you go to the site, you need to click on the tab for 'camperplaatsen' (CP) and then select 'nederland'. You then get a map of the country with the various areas marked and a key showing official CPs, unofficial etc. We used these last year.


This site also has some CP info:


camper post


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