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Guest JudgeMental
Tracker - 2009-01-20 1:07 PM


The perils of booking and paying too far in advance eh?


Doh!...I didn't book with them did I?


Are you saying its better to leave till last thing? I think not all the cheap deals come ou Dec-Jan and for PEAK time crossing surely the longer you leve it the less choice and more expensive it gets?


They operate like air carriers...Its OK for the old codgers who can travel at any time *-)

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I've still got two tickets on my Carnet so I hope all ends well. In these difficult times it's impossible to see the economic future but at £192 for three returns I comfort myself with the fact that ferries have never been so cheap, Ce la vie!


Bill Ord

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Seafrance seem to have been keeping down the cost of crossing the ditch for years.  It was always hinted that they had some kind of subsidy from the government to promote tourist numbers.  I assume Sarkozy has put his foot down and they will now have to pay their way.  One foreseeable consequence is their prices will rise, and with them P&O's and Norfolk Lines'.  I guess the demand for all cross channel traffic will diminish in these economic circumstances, so be prepared for increased prices and a few company departures.  It seems the Newhaven-Dieppe service is back in the melting pot as well, despite new vessels a few years back.  I'd expect the more Westerly crossings to be affected first, and worst, but I think booking crossings in 2010 is going to look very different from today.  Bons voyages!
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Hi All

We booked a passage on Sea France last November for a return crossing 30 March, online by credit card but I am hoping should Sea France sink we would get a refund from our credit card company - has anyone tried this bumpy path with a credit card company?



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Yes I have done it, not too difficult, but the cost must exceed £100, or no go, I'm afraid.


The important bit is Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act and this is what you must quote to them, as it makes them 'jointly and severally liable', have a look at:





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Since we first took "Hannibal" across the water in 2000, we've used Seafrance far more than any other operator. Although we've not been completely faithful to them in the last couple of years, I'd be sorry to see them go. We've always found them good value, with good food if you want it, but never too crowded.


Prior to that we'd had a bit of a break, not having had a motorhome for a few years.


Very different in the old days - 1988-94 - when we used to have to dash up from the car deck to secure seats worth having, and make sure someone guarded them while others ate or went shopping!


And thinking of the old days, our very first channel crossing was with an "unconverted" Bedford van and a couple of tents in 1977. Four of us in the van cost well over £200 return with Hoverspeed, cheapest available back then. I dread to think what the equivalent would be at today's prices, so yes, the fares have really come down!



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Brian Kirby - 2009-01-21 4:38 PM


... It seems the Newhaven-Dieppe service is back in the melting pot as well, despite new vessels a few years back.  I'd expect the more Westerly crossings to be affected first, and worst, but I think booking crossings in 2010 is going to look very different from today.  Bons voyages!


Where have you heard about this as we are going out on that route and back P&O Calais Dover


- all booked though C&CC as a single transaction :-(



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For anyone who has booked I would not worry. What ever Sarkosy might want the French unions, local politicans, etc will ensure some sort of fudge results whereby government money keeps the ferries running. Remember in France, unlike here, unions still have power and people think of ways to get round rules, such as those stopping government subsidies. So come the deadline a deal will be announced and everyone will be happy!

Good luck to them we say if it keeps people in jobs and the cost of crossings down. Are you may say would this not be unfair on poor old P and O? Yes maybe but remember what prices they used to charge in the past and with little regard to the poor passengers.

Robert and Jean

(We now always use the tunnel making use of Tesco vouchers, but prior to this almost always used Seafrance)

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Homenaway - 2009-01-21 8:45 PM
Brian Kirby - 2009-01-21 4:38 PM ... It seems the Newhaven-Dieppe service is back in the melting pot as well, despite new vessels a few years back.  I'd expect the more Westerly crossings to be affected first, and worst, but I think booking crossings in 2010 is going to look very different from today.  Bons voyages!
Where have you heard about this as we are going out on that route and back P&O Calais Dover - all booked though C&CC as a single transaction :-( Steve

Local paper, we live not too far away.  Nothing conclusive, but indications that LD Lines were having problems with the route, which they presently operate.  I'd keep an eye on them!

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Here is the reply I received within a few minutes of asking Seafrance to comment on the concerns expressed on this Forum:




Thank you for your recent email expressing concerns over the security of your booking with SeaFrance.


We would like to reassure you that SeaFrance are continuing to operate our service between Dover to Calais & that bookings remains confirmed. As a company we always continuing to work hard to secure the long term success of the company.



With kind regards


Stewart Morrison





As much clarification as we can expect at present, I think.



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Guest JudgeMental
alan - 2009-01-22 1:03 PM


Hi All

Michael - thanks for the information on credit cards, our booking fortunately, or unfortunately, was well under £100 but from general comments I don't think Sea France are going to sink just yet?




I would doubt they will disappear...But these cheap prices can't be sustainable can they? something will have to give, and without the competition of multiple carriers the situation can only get worse.


welcome to bankrupt Britain (no longer Great :-D ) where everything is for sale to anyone!*-)





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It is hard to conceive that the French Government, both nationally and regionally would not wish to retain a French-owned shipping line on such a strategically important trade route so I am fairly relaxed about the level of threat to my own summer booking.


Press reports suggest the Company's problems stem from a recession-related 10% drop in freight traffic and cost over-runs on the introduction of a new vessel. Presumably, the bean-counters have also concluded that a surge in bookings as bargain-hunting continentals pick through the ruins of the British economy will be offset by newly impoverished Brits eschewing foreign holidays in favour of queuing for Red Cross parcels.


I expect there could well be reductions in the number of sailings so bookings may be moved and consolidated. Also, journey times may be lengthened to conserve fuel. Job cuts are probable but of course it is much, much easier and cheaper to axe British staff rather than French. (The latter point could be why the bad news is being put out early in our media.)


Presumably the weakness of the Pound means the company is saving money on fuel and supplies bought in the UK and of course, on port fees and salaries paid here, so the current situation can’t be universally negative in Seafrance’s books.


As others have said price rises look highly probable but of course that’s difficult to get away with in a recession. My dilemma is, do I book the September crossing yet – hmm – do I feel lucky?




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Last May when we were coming back from France via SeaFrance there was only a handfull of vehicles waiting to cross , so our sailing was cancelled untill there was enough vehicles to make the sailing worthwhile we encountered a 3 hour wait without explanation but it was easy to work out why we were delayed  I suppose you cannot blame them for trying to save fuel and money
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Guest JudgeMental
kelly58 - 2009-01-23 11:25 AM


Last May when we were coming back from France via SeaFrance there was only a handfull of vehicles waiting to cross , so our sailing was cancelled untill there was enough vehicles to make the sailing worthwhile we encountered a 3 hour wait without explanation but it was easy to work out why we were delayed  I suppose you cannot blame them for trying to save fuel and money


I have been delayed on numerous occasions like this on ferries...nothing more frustrating when your itching to get going. Thats why we use the tunnel.

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Sorry to inform you Judge but the same thing can happen on the tunnel. Last October we were kept waiting 3 hours in France with no real explanation. There were however, only a few of us waiting so we suspect they decided not too run a couple of trains whilst numbers built up. But as crossing cost us only Tesco points we simply put our feet up and had another cup of coffee. By the way I know you are tied to peak times but have just today booked a crossing for mid July, returning mid August for £122 return (in tokens) so no different from low season and times are decent, around 7.00pm out 10.am back.

Robert and Jean.

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For the same dates and times the tunnel was £122 return P&O £76 return and Sea France was £41 return that's why i booked Sea France I've yet to get a tunnel price cheaper than Sea France As for Tescos tokens one years shopping and still saving (may be next year I'll have enough)


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Guest JudgeMental
paul2 - 2009-01-23 10:05 PM


For the same dates and times the tunnel was £122 return P&O £76 return and Sea France was £41 return that's why i booked Sea France I've yet to get a tunnel price cheaper than Sea France As for Tescos tokens one years shopping and still saving (may be next year I'll have enough)



£41 return no wonder they are bankrupt *-)

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used them twice last year, june and sept, there fleet is much newer than p&o and cheaper, food was ok too,tunnel £100 more for same crossings, brittanny ferries £300 more + 6hrs overnight on the ferry,the french unions will never allow them to close or sarkozy will be saying hello to madame guillotine. :D :D
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Guest JudgeMental


"tunnel £100 more for same crossings,"


maybe the same crossing but certainly not the same long and boring experience...... Tunnel worth the extra every time.

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