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Pet Names 4 motorhomes

Guest Georgina Powell

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  • 2 weeks later...
Forgot to say, our home built motorhome (I converted an ambulance) was called EEYORE, not because it was a donkey but because in it's former life it used to go 'eey-ore, eey-ore'! Sorry about that, just had to get it off my chest!
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  • 2 months later...
You do not need correcting Mel, you are quite correct. We have just chopped our Suzuki 4X4 in for a Citroen C3. My wife Georgina who started this thread off always called the 4X4 Suzie,(obvious why) now she is stumped for a name for the Citroen C3. I suggested "See through" as a variation of C3, but she doesn't go much on that. Why do wives have to name things??? She calls me the "DOG" (doddering old git). Cheers for now, David Powell [Ranger]
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Hi Pete, Our first motorhome never moved without our West Highland Terrier "Suki" being aboard and as therefore named "Suki Too" When we added another Westie to the family the name was changed to "Suki Too + Mac" Unfortunately we lost Suki 2 years ago and Mac is now on his own but memories of Suki still live on as we have not re-named the van Regards Ken
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