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Foul and smelly water from the shower head


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What a surprise that was!


I'm very particular regarding emptying all water (and leaving taps open) from the system before over wintering, however today when refilling and running the unit, out of the shower head squirted lots of brown smelly floating gunge.


Exactly where it had been hiding I'm not sure but next time I shall be more particlular and probably clear it with an air line from the top.

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I would say, flush through until it runs clear, then use some sterisling/cleaning powder/tablets and soak the sytem right through. There will be plenty of pipe cleaner additives available at the camp shop. Wopuld advise removing the shower head (twists off) and even consider replacing/soaking in a bowl of cleaner.


Sounds like you have some gunge in the tank somehow. Check the cap and see if it is sealing and not rusty. Also check the pump to see if it is breaking down (usually it is black bits but you never know) It could pay to replace anyway as the filter would be gunged too. Only cost around 15-20 pounds or so.

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This doesn't surprise me so much Bill. A few months ago while working on a Hymer the customer asked me to look at the water system as although the pump was running nothing came out of any taps. On stripping the kitchen tap down I got a pint of dirty brown gunge complete with several dead mosquitos out of it, the same happened with the bathroom tap and the shower head. It was yet another reminder for me to NEVER drink water from the on board system. Not everyone's taps will be as bad as this one was but if it can happen to one it could happen to many more.


Flush the whole system through with copious amounts of clean water before use, if you use a steriliser be careful which one you choose as some are very corrosive to stainless steel and can ruin your water heater.



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I recall working on a boat's water system many moons ago. The tank overflowed almost as soon as you started to fill it. After a bit of rooting round, we found the vent pipe was blocked with beasties, the boat had been out of use for 2 seasons and they had moved in large numbers. Must have an effect on the water.



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We always carry seperate water for drinking and only ever boil any from the holding tank.


I was puzzled about the brown slimy film. (and it was smelly!) It was broken into small bits but had been a complete film somewhere inside the pipeing although all vents were open.


It only came out of the shower head, so when its warmer I shall investigate where there must have been some water collected. I can see into the water pump connections.


Usually after emptying everything I find some nice bumpy roadway to ensure there's lots of body movement to empty any remaining dregs but I got caught out this time !


I might dismantle the shower completely and put an air line down the remainder. (At a lower pressure. Dont want to seperate any joints !


It just proves how quickly (even in cold air) plain water turns sour.



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