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what if a dealer goes bust?.....


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You'd be safe....at least in the sense that your motorhome remains your property in law; it would not be an asset of the Company, as assets are onlt things owned by that Company.


It might take a little while to recover it from the Administrators....and it might still be in pieces if they were only part-way through the job on "Bust-Day", and you might have to pay them pro-rata for the work done on it up until "Bust-Day", but you wouldn't lose the motorhome.

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Thank you for the replies. I was hoping that would be the case.

I am thinking of using a new company in Glasgow but the site had previously been owned by another motorhome co. who didn't last long so I am a bit "will I ,or wont I " use them.

But companied have to start somewhere,so fingers crossed :-D

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Agree with Clive, go to an established dealer. You already have alarm bells ringing in your head or you would not have posted in the first place. So listen to them, all it may then cost you is a few extra litres of diesel to go to a main dealer.

Take care especially in these troubled financial times.


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