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Yes, ours reads FULL until it's getting very close to empty.

Someone posted the reason on here a while ago - it seems gauges of this type aren't very reliable, because they rely on the pressure, which will always be roughly the same until you're getting very low. Also, it will only register when you've got a serious appliance (ie not fridge) running.

So I don't take much notice of it now. I've worked out by trial and error roughly how many nights the cylinder will last, for our normal usage, and I make sure I top it up well before that.

I also carry a little CampingGaz 901 (smallest refillable they do) and suitable adaptor, so we can use that in an emergency. But the 901 is just about THE most expensive way of buying gas short of drilling your own hole in the North Sea, so I make darned sure I don't need to use it!!



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Due to the position of the float, the gauge is only registering the last 50% of liquid level in the cylinder.

When the gauge is halfway in the green segment, the cylinder is 40% full. In the yellow,approx 30% full. When in the red, the cylinder has 18% or less contents.

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I have 2. The one reads correctly but the other ones will not budge of empty. I've not contacted them yet as i wanted to do a refill first. But in saying that i refilled 2 weeks ago and forgot to ring them , now you've posted and reminded me I'll ring them.
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I have spoken to "Rob " at Gaslow, he says the problem is usually a STUCK float and a good bang on the floor will sometimes "unjam", so when I get the gas down a bit I will try that solution and let you all know. Then I might have 2 working correctly instead of 1.
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