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Transit mk7 handbooks


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We have just purchased a pre reg Autosleeper Eton. As seems to be quite common the handbooks get jumbled up at some stage and the owners handbook we have ended up with was copyright 2005 and seems to be for the earlier model. Amazingly Ford refuse to supply books apart from those sent with the vehicle in the first place. I have found a source for books but want to estblish it is the correct one. Would anybody with a Mk7 Transit please tell what the code no printed on the inside cover is for the owners handbook. Thanks.
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My Autosleeper Windsor was registered july/08. Handbook is:-

copyright Ford motor Company 2007, Part No.8C1J-19A321-DA (CG3527en) 06/2007 20070727105346. The Bar code on the back cover reads 8C1J-19A321-DA 06/07. The Ford Transit Owners Handbook refered to above has 218 pages


Hope this helps you Graham


Regards Mike

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Our Autosleeper Duetto was delivered with the wrong drivers handbook (it was for a Transit Connect) and all I had to do was make a swift phone call to Autosleepers and they sent me the right book.


It was rather suprising that the vehicle made it to the dealer with the wrong book, but at least Autosleepers put the matter right straight away.



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Strange that Ford are apparently unwilling to provide Owner's Guides (though I guess it might be understandable if a replacement warranty booklet were being requested).


Prior to taking delivery of my Germany-bought Transit-based Hobby in 2005 I wrote to Ford Customer Services, explained what I was about to do and asked if I could obtain an English-language Owner's Guide. I was sent one free of charge. Subsequently I decided it would be useful to have English-language versions of the Service Portfolio and Audio Guide. These were obtained from a local Ford main agent for a nominal sum (£1 for one and £0.50 for the other if I remember correctly).

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Hi Graham

My Cavarno was registered 1.3.08, but the base vehicle was already in the possession of the converters when I placed my order in Nov 07. I suspect it was manufactured a little earlier than Mike's, as the numbers differ slightly. I'll put mine in square brackets AFTER his in each case:


mike 202 - 2009-01-26 9:34 PM


My Autosleeper Windsor was registered july/08. Handbook is:-

copyright Ford motor Company 2007 [2006] , Part No.8C1J [7C1J] -19A321-DA (CG3527en) 06/2007 [11/2006] 20070727105346 [20061214113506]. The Bar code on the back cover [no bar code, just numbers] reads 8C1J [7C1J] -19A321-DA 06/07 [no date, just CG3527en again]. The Ford Transit Owners Handbook refered to above has 218 pages [ditto, but the last 4 are blank for notes].


Hope this helps you Graham


Regards Mike


I would guess that as a vehicle rolls off the line a book is put in it, which means the books are printed before the vehicle is made - possibly quite a while before. I'd expect Mike's and my books to be identical in content, unless some errors or omissions have been corrected in his slightly later edition. They will certainly refer to the same model of van.

A glance at the beginning of the "Quick Start" section will immediately tell you whether you have the right book for your van - Mk6 and Mk7 dashboards are completely different.


Hope this helps





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Thank you. It should help to get the right book. I seem to have a Mk6 handbook but the correct service book etc. They have obviously got jumbled up somewhere between A/S, Marquis and the PDI garage. I must say I haven't approached Ford this time but I had the same problem a year ago with a 1 year old Fiesta. One of the books was missing (the wrranty info one) and I guess had been since new as I can't think of any reason why the previous owner would have kept it. No problem thought I and contacted Ford through the website. They told me I had to write (stressed not to phone or email) to Ford Technical Services which I did. Got a letter back saying that under no circumstances would they supply books except for those in the original car pack. Not very helpful but there you go so I am not going to bother this time. Don't know where the ones on ebay come from.
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Your probably right and I guess that is why dealers remove them when the vehicle comes and how they get jumbled up later. Still hey ho its a voyage of discovery with the different controls at the moment and I am sure that 1 day I will work out how tthe central locking/alarm system works.
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Thanks for the offer that is very kind but it appears I owe Ford an apology. I contacted Ford Customer Assistance this morning who told me I could buy a book using the owner services tab on their website. Sure enough it connects through to the Ford bookshop in Germany where all the publications are listed. The only downside is that the book is 9 euros (not bad) but post and vat 12 euros (not so good), so that is the way forward. Whether they have changed policy since my Fiesta episode or whether I just got a disgruntled grumpy Joe on that occasion I don't know. Thanks for all your help.
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Strangely enough my book has exactly the same part # as Tony's above, but only has 204 printed pages, with 4 more pages for notes. Don't know what I'm missing. This is the second book BTW, the dealer noticed at the handover that the one in the pack (in the handbag) was in Italian! The Italian one has 220 pages plus notes, but maybe Italian is more wordy than English. My dealer seemed to have a good supply of handbooks, did you check with your dealer whether they had any spare ones?

For some reason mine doesn't have central locking, have to lock both front doors manually, so can't help with that. I was told by a Transit pick-up driver that he thought all Mk 7's had CL, but not mine. Does have electric mirrors & windows though.

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If you really want to know what's missing, you can PM me the titles/first few words of (say) every 10th page and I'll compare with mine. That way we'll narrow it down, and can then compare all the pages in the "guilty" section.


But if you decide that, on the whole, life's too short, that's OK.



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I do now have a book. This was actually published in March 06 but is near enough. I am now making some sense of the alarm/locking system. According to the Transit brochure the central locking is an optional extra on the chassis cab. Thanks for all the help. If you know of anybody who wants a Mk6 owners handbook it is theirs for the cost of postage.
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